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KIS Collectors

Chopicalqui edited this page Feb 5, 2022 · 4 revisions

The following table shows the list of existing collectors that are supported by KIS. These collectors are executed by the script kiscollect to create and execute actual OS commands.

The Priority column provides information about the order of execution; the lower the number, the earlier the respective OS commands are created and executed and subsequent collectors can profit from the already collected information. Collectors with a priority of - are not automatically executed as they either require user interaction or additional information (e.g., domain credentials) for execution.

The Name column contains the name of the collector. These names can be added as commandline arguments to kiscollect (e.g. --httpnikto). The name also indicates, which underlying OS command is executed.

Column Level specifies whether the collector is operating on:

  • services: Scans services by using IPv4/IPv6 addresses and UDP/TCP port numbers
  • vhosts: Scans web services by using host names (instead of IP addresses) and TCP port numbers
  • hosts: Obtains information based on IPv4/IPv6 addresses
  • domains: Obtains information based on second-level domains and optionally sub-level domains
  • networks: Obtains information based on IPv4/IPv6 network ranges
  • emails: Obtains information based on emails
  • companies: Obtains information based on companies

Column Type specifies whether the collector actively approaches the target (active) or obtains the information from third-party sources (passive and active*). For more information about the different collector types refer to Types of KIS collectors

The IP Support column specifies the IP versions, which are supported by the underlying Kali tool (e.g., Gobuster). Kali uses this information to decide which operating system commands can be created and successfully executed. This column is only relevant for host, network, service, and vhost collectors (see column Level).

Column Timeout specifies the number of seconds after which the collector is automatically terminated.

The column User specifies the user with which the respective operating system commands are executed.

Priority Name Level Type IP Support Timeout User
- ftpdotdotpwn service Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
- httpdotdotpwn service Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
- tftpdotdotpwn service Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
- httphydra service Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
- rdphydra service Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
- smbhydra service Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
- smbmedusa service Active IPv4 - nobody
- smbmsflogin service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
- sshhydra service Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
125 builtwith domain Active* - - nobody
127 hostio domain Active* - - nobody
130 censysdomain domain Active* - - kali
131 securitytrails domain Active* - - nobody
133 certspotter domain Active* - - nobody
134 crtshdomain domain Active* - - nobody
135 virustotal domain Active* - - nobody
140 dnssublist3r domain Active - - nobody
141 dnsamasspassive domain Active* - - nobody
142 dnsamassactive domain Active - - nobody
143 dnscrobatdomain domain Active* - - nobody
144 dnscrobattld domain Active* - - nobody
150 theharvester domain Passive - - kali
155 awsslurp domain Active - - nobody
160 dnsenum domain Active - - nobody
170 dnsgobuster domain Active - - nobody
180 dnsrecon domain Active - - nobody
210 whoisdomain domain Active - 30 nobody
215 dnsspf domain Active - - nobody
220 dnsdmarc domain Active - - nobody
235 dnsdkim domain Active - - nobody
240 dnstakeover domain Active - - nobody
310 dnshost domain Active - - nobody
312 dnshostpublic domain Passive - - nobody
320 dnsreverselookup host Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
360 dnscrobatreversehost host Active* IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
410 hunter domain Active* - - nobody
420 haveibeenbreach email Active* - - nobody
430 haveibeenpaste email Active* - - nobody
510 whoishost host Passive IPv4, IPv6 30 nobody
512 whoisnetwork network Passive IPv4, IPv6 30 nobody
515 reversewhois company Active* - - nobody
520 shodanhost host Active* IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
521 shodannetwork network Active* IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
530 censyshost host Active* IPv4 - kali
540 crtshcompany company Active* - - nobody
550 dnscrobatreversenetwork network Active* IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
1100 tcpnmapnetwork network Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
1150 tcpnmapdomain domain Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
1200 udpnmapnetwork network Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
1250 udpnmapdomain domain Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
1270 icmpnmapnetwork network Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
1300 tcpmasscannetwork network Active IPv4 - root
1305 dnsaxfrdomain domain Active - - nobody
1306 dnsaxfrservice service Active* Ipv4, Ipv6 - nobody
1320 vhostgobuster service Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
1350 anyservicenmap service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
1820 tcptraceroute host Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
1900 httpmsfrobotstxt service, vhost Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
2000 dnsnmap service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
2020 telnetnmap service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
2040 vncnmap service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
2100 mssqlnmap service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
2150 mysqlnmap service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
2200 smbnmap service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
2250 ftpnmap service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
2300 smtpnmap service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
2400 rpcnmap service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
2500 rdpnmap service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
2700 pop3nmap service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
2750 msrpcenum service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
2800 imapnmap service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
2850 x11nmap service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
2900 tftpnmap service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
2950 nfsnmap service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
3100 finger service Active IPv4 - nobody
3200 ntpdate service Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
3300 ntpq service Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
4000 h323version service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
4100 sipnmap service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
4120 sipmsf service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
4200 stunnmap service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
11000 vncmsfnoneauth service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
11010 vncmsflogin service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
11100 ftphydra service Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
11200 mssqlhydra service Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
11400 pgsqlhydra service Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
11500 snmphydra service Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
11600 sshchangeme service Active IPv4, IPv6 - kali
11610 httpchangeme service, vhost Active IPv4, IPv6 - kali
11700 ipmi service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
11750 rmiregistrymsfgather service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
11760 rmiregistrynmap service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
12100 ftpfilelist service Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
13000 showmount service Active IPv4, IPv6 300 nobody
13090 smbcme service Active Ipv4, Ipv6 - kali
13100 smbclient service Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
13200 smbfilelist service Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
13210 smbmap service Active IPv4 - nobody
21500 nbtscan service Active IPv4 - nobody
21600 ldapsearch service Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
21610 ldapnmap service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
31100 snmpcheck service Active IPv4 300 nobody
31110 snmpnmap service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
31200 onesixtyone service Active IPv4 60 nobody
31300 snmpwalk service Active IPv4 - nobody
31400 oraclesidguess service Active IPv4 - nobody
41200 sshnmap service Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
41300 certnmap service, vhost Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
41310 tlsnmap service, vhost Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
41315 sslyze service, vhost Active IPv4 - nobody
41320 sslscan service, vhost Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
41330 certopenssl service, vhost Active IPv4, IPv6 120 nobody
51100 httpgobuster service, vhost Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
51110 httpgobustersmart service, vhost Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
51150 httpkiterunner service, vhost Active Ipv4 - kali
51200 httpnmap service, vhost Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
51205 httpntlmnmap service, vhost Active IPv4, IPv6 - root
61400 rpcclient service Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
61500 rpcinfo service Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
71100 ikescan service Active IPv4 - root
91050 httpwpscan service Active IPv4, IPv6 - kali
91100 enum4linux service Active IPv4 - nobody
91200 httpnikto service, vhost Active IPv4 - nobody
91225 httpburpsuitepro domain, host Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
91250 httpdavtest service, vhost Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
91260 httpwhatweb service Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
91300 httpsqlmap service, vhost Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
91400 smtpuserenum service Active IPv4 - nobody
91600 mysqlhydra service Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody
92200 httpwapiti service, vhost Active IPv4, IPv6 - nobody