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Installing KIS

Chopicalqui edited this page Feb 19, 2022 · 6 revisions

This wiki page provides information about possibilities to install KIS.

Installation via DockerHub (recommended)

The latest version of KIS is available at Follow the installation and update instructions there.

Manual installations (developers Only)

Note that Kali Intelligence Suite (KIS) only runs on Docker or on official releases of Kali Linux. Before starting with the manual installation, clone the KIS repository to the directory /opt/kaliintelsuite:

sudo git clone /opt/kaliintelsuite

Build and run Docker

In order to use KIS in a Docker environment, follow the following configuration steps:

  • [mandatory] After cloning the KIS repository (see above), create and store a secret in the file /opt/kaliintelsuite/postgres.txt:

    sudo su -
    pwgen -s 30 -N1 > /opt/kaliintelsuite/postgres.txt
    chmod 400 /opt/kaliintelsuite/postgres.txt

    This file is used by docker-compose.yml to set the password for the PostgresSQL user.

  • [optional] Specify our API keys of Burp Suite Professional,,, etc. in the respective sections of the configuration file api.config.

  • [mandatory] Navigate to the local KIS Git repository, pull/build the Docker images, and launch the Docker containers postgres and kaliintelsuite:

    cd /opt/kaliintelsuite
    docker-compose run -d --name kaliintelsuite kaliintelsuite
  • [mandatory] Initialize the database.

    docker exec -it kaliintelsuite kismanage database --init --drop
  • [optional] Check KIS setup to determine potential issues:

    docker exec -it kaliintelsuite kismanage database --test
    check os
    Linux 161047b3acca 5.10.0-kali8-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.40-1kali1 (2021-05-31) x86_64    [supported]
    check tools (see section 'file_paths' in: /opt/kaliintelsuite/configs/collectors.config)
    postgresql                                                                                [installed]
    kiscollect                                                                                [installed]
    kisreport                                                                                 [installed]
    enum4linux                                                                                [installed]
    gobuster                                                                                  [installed]
    medusa                                                                                    [installed]

    Review the command's output; there should not be any red entries marked as [missing] or [unsupported].

  • [optional] Remove unused Docker data to free up space:

    docker system prune

Manual installation on Kali Linux

This setup requires an official Kali Linux release with the following minimum system requirements:

  • 2 CPUs
  • 4096 MB RAM

In order to manually install KIS, the following configuration steps must be executed:

  • [mandatory] After cloning the SFH repository (see above), navigate to the local KIS Git repository, install the required Python3 packages, and launch a virtual environment:

    kali@kali: ~ $ sudo su -
    root@kali: ~ # cd /opt/kaliintelsuite
    root@kali: /opt/kaliintelsuite # export POETRY_VIRTUALENVS_IN_PROJECT=true
    root@kali: /opt/kaliintelsuite # export POETRY_VIRTUALENVS_PATH=/opt/kaliintelsuite/.venv/
    root@kali: /opt/kaliintelsuite # poetry install --no-root --no-dev
    root@kali: /opt/kaliintelsuite # poetry shell

    Note that it is important that the virutal environment is created in directory /opt/kaliintelsuite/.venv/ as KIS uses this full path to access Python3.

  • [mandatory] Run the setup script:

    root@kali: /opt/kaliintelsuite # /opt/kaliintelsuite/kis/ database --setup

    Use argument --setup-dbg instead of --setup to review the setup OS commands first.

  • [optional] Specify our API keys of Burp Suite Professional,,, etc. in the respective sections of the configuration file api.config.

  • [optional] Manually install Aquatone, Crobat, Kiterunner, and Slurp as they are not part of the Kali Linux distribution (refer to the Dockerfile for additional information):

  • [mandatory] Check KIS setup to determine potential issues:

    root@kali: /opt/kaliintelsuite # kismanage database --test
    check os
    Linux kali 5.8.0-kali2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.8.10-1kali1 (2020-09-22) x86_64              [supported]
    check tools (see section 'file_paths' in: /opt/kaliintelsuite/kis/configs/collectors.config)
    postgresql                                                                                [installed]
    kiscollect                                                                                [installed]
    kisreport                                                                                 [installed]
    enum4linux                                                                                [installed]
    gobuster                                                                                  [installed]
    medusa                                                                                    [installed]

    Review the command's output; there should not be any red entries marked as [missing] or [unsupported].

Final note

By using the manual installation, it is necessary to activate KIS' virtual environment for each newly created console before using KIS. We accomplish this by executing the following command:

. /opt/kaliintelsuite/.venv/bin/activate

If we do not do it, then KIS will greet us with an error messages like the following:

python3 database --setup-dbg
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/kaliintelsuite/kis/", line 36, in
from database.utils import Engine
File "/opt/kaliintelsuite/kis/database/", line 25, in
import passgen
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'passgen'