The Neigh-bors application is designed to connect farms with volunteer rescuers to evacuate horses during natural disaster events. The app includes both a backend repo (this repo) and a frontend repo (found here: Neigh-bors Frontend Repo. The backend of this app has been deployed to Heroku at Neigh-bors.
If you would like to make changes to this project, please contact the owner of this repository via GitHub.
This project was developed via Ruby 2.7.2, on Rails 5.2.6. It incorporates Circle CI.
To access the dev environment for this app please follow these steps:
- Fork this repository
- Clone your fork
- From the command line, install gems and set up your DB:
bundle exec figaro install
rails db:{drop,create,migrate,seed}
You can access the test suite (includes use of Capybara, FactoryBot, Faker, RSpec, Shouldamatchers, and Pry) via bundle exec rspec
This project was developed via Ruby on Rails by Philip Medlin, Chloe Price, Luis Arroyo, Lesley Sanders, and Didi Dodson at Turing School of Software and Design in 2022.