Docker Container with supervisor which downloads the latest master and initializes only php-fpm instance based on php7
Why another one ? I don't use Ubuntu and I'm not a fan of having to many services in a container -> the idea is to have the PHP-FPM listen to the port 8099 on the outside and the path/to/the/project mounted on the inside so I can choose whatever server on the outside I'd like.
First of all this is Docker <-> it's based on LXC which means it's a virtualisation within the linux kernel.
This is not like Vagrant which is a Batch System to store states / versions of complete hybrid virtualisations.
Docker is as mentioned before a linux container (lxc). Hence needs less resources but does not support Windows or Mac on a native lvl for more information please check as a Mac user as a windows user I'm sorry afaik you need a VM <-> I would recommend Ubuntu since the packages for ubuntu are compiled and maintained by the zend guys.
Please do not mistake a service container with a complete virtualisation like VBOX or VM, ..
PHP 7 atm (2015-05-10) is as we all should know still in Development so a lot of external extensions are not working due to the renaming of c header files and changing of the inner structure. So the compilation is ending in fatal errors. I tried it with redis, mongo and memcached
During the compilation there are several errors which I ignored.
I compiled it manually you can have a look about the configuration settings (./configure) at the following sources phpinternals or and ofc the bash approach ./configure --help | less
Since Docker is not Vagrant the processes can not simply be put in the init.d or system.d structure and triggered. Many other boxes use internal batches I followed the OPs approach and used the supervisor.
You can have a look at the supervisord.conf and see how a rather lazy approach has been done. Which is less work than copying batch files and trigger them via bashrc or other approaches. Taste I guess.
The FPM config php-fpm.conf is only setting the pid folder and the error folder. The User and Group which for the workers are in the www.conf as well as the listenport 8080 on the inside.
Since I don't expect a lot of OPs knowledge from a common Dev (the have other concerns) this is already pre-configured and listens to the 8099 port on your host machine.
I didn't want to bother with doing the socket approach which would require more detailed knowledge of the user. Although it's pretty easy once you understand the docker basics Please do use it I wanted to keep this accessible for people who just want to code.
There are a lot of .inis which have no use since you can't compile the extensions still i left them in there because who know's what's in 2-3 Months.
** It's important that your data is accessible in the Container **
-v /var/www:/var/www <nameofyourchoosing>
this is a basic mapping of the outside to the inside <-> make sure it has the proper permissions
go with www-data this the common apache / nginx user|group and is available within debian.
if you really don't have a clue and this is your private machine (VM) just change the mod of all files to 0777 this is the admin nightmare but the usual Dev solution.
this is a basic setup that should work with every linux version that supports docker except the packages | apt vs yum vs rpm ...
docker run -p
maps your localhost:8099 to the internal container port 8080 if you change the fpm config please do not forget to adapt this setting you can use autoport mapping :) please consult the docker basics
I added an nginx example and an Apache2.4 example and ofc the basics to create / start / access Docker in the tl;dr section.
Basic usage inside the repos root dir:
docker build -t <nameofyourchoosing> .
docker run -d -p -v /var/www:/var/www <nameofyourchoosing> -> 8099 is the port on the outside -v /inside/docker:/outside/docker ** -d deamonize **
to check if it's running
docker ps
to login as root into the bash
docker exec -it <containerID> bash
to get nginx to pipe the request to php-fpm
` location ~ [^/]\.php(/|$) {`
`fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+?\.php)(/.*)$;`
`# NOTE: You should have "cgi.fix_pathinfo = 0;" in php.ini`
`if (!-f $document_root$fastcgi_script_name) {`
`return 404;`
`# With php5-cgi alone:`
`fastcgi_index index.php;`
`include fastcgi_params;`
to get the apache2.4 those two modules need to be loaded !
LoadModule proxy_module modules/ LoadModule proxy_fcgi_module modules/
inside the virtualhost ProxyPassMatch ^/(..php(/.)?)$ fcgi://$1 DirectoryIndex /index.php
And now to the glosar of all pages consulted or used during the last 24 hours building this container
- <-> compilation error
I hope I helped at least one person otherwise at least I learned something new :)