Utility to query open Pull Requests from GitHub API with filtering options. This utility was created to provide a CLI interface to GitHub pull requests that could be used for scripting.
Usage: open_pull_requests [options]
-a, --author Filter results by author, supports multiple uses
-f, --format [url,csv] Output results in different format.
"url" - only output URLs for each result
"csv" - output CSV-compatible output for parsing
--exclude_already_approved Exclude results already approved by authenticated user, boolean flag
-l, --include_label Only include results that have a given label, supports multiple uses
-L, --exclude_label Exclude results that have a given label, supports multiple uses
-r, --repo Include GitHub repository in query, supports multiple uses
format: ":org/:repo"
-t, --token GitHub API token to use for authentication
At least 1 repo (-r) and exactly 1 token (-t) are required.
Open all team pull requests in a new browser tab, with the rules:
- Pull Requests I can review exist in repo1 and repo2
- My teammates are username1, username2, and username3
- My team uses the label "WIP" for Pull Requests that aren't ready for review
- My team requires 2 approvals per Pull Request
- Don't include Pull Requests I've already approved
# .bashrc
open_team_prs() {
open_pull_requests \
-t <token> \
-r org/repo1 \
-r org/repo2 \
-a username1 \
-a username2 \
-a username3 \
-L WIP \
--required_approvals 2 \
--exclude_already_approved \
-f url \
| xargs -I {} open -a 'Google Chrome' {}
This utility currently loads the first 100 Pull Request per repo and does not support GitHub API pagination.