- Python
- NumPy
- Tensorflow 1.0
Inception V3 + logistic sigmoid layer
HICO dataset: HICO version 20150920
Please extract the above file and store extracted files inside the ./hico_data
For the CNN, I use Inception v3, pre-trained on ImageNet.
Extract the compressed file and put inception_v3.ckpt
into the ./checkpoints
First, extract the filenames and labels of the training set and the testing set.
$ python process_hico_labels.py
Second, convert the image files and annotations to TFRecords.
$ python hico_to_tfrecords.py
To fine-tune the last layer of Inception v3 for 10 epochs:
$ python finetune.py
To evaluate mAP scores on the testing set:
$ python eval.py
Model | mAP |
Inception v3 + finetune | 0.263 |
- Yu-Wei Chao, Zhan Wang, Yugeng He, Jiaxuan Wang, and Jia Deng. HICO: A Benchmark for Recognizing Human-Object Interactions in Images. In ICCV, 2015.
- Arun Mallya and Svetlana Lazebnik. Learning Models for Actions and Person-Object Interactions with Transfer to Question Answering. In ECCV, 2016.