RSSREADER is a small project with the most basic utilities to read the RSS feeds in a text-based environment.
This project is also an experimental environment for studying bandit problems and recommender systems.
Please add the directory of rssreader and rssconsole to the system path, and put to the Python path. Alternatively, please run ./rssreader in the directory of the package.
This tool is only for Linux environments with latest Python.
- Python 2.7+ (including sqlite3 package). Python 3+ is not supported.
- Python NLTK package (debian: python-nltk)
- Python LIBLINEAR package (debian: python-liblinear)
Add an RSS:
$> rssreader add
Show all feeds:
$> rssreader ls
Show new feeds:
$> rssreader ls -n
Read the details of a feed:
$> rssreader read,2008:CreateEvent/2790427132
Recommend new feeds:
$> rssreader ls -n -r
More usages for ls:
$> rssreader ls -h
The built-in recommender is a very simple classifier based on bi-grams of the feed title. To modify the recommender, the most easy approach is to modify the Recommender class in Making the recommender easier to be replaced by users' plug-ins is a future work.
rssconsole is a simple console to use rssreader. After running the console, users do not need to type the program name (i.e., "rssreader"). For example, users can directly type "ls" to list feeds:
$> rssconsole rssconsole>> add rssconsole>> ls -l 5