This repository will contains everything about Spark Transformation with HBase
IDE and Code Setup steps:
- Clone Repository: git clone
- Open project in Intellij IDEA IDE
- Make Sure Scala, SBT has installed on your machine as well as plugins has been configured at your Intellij IDEA IDE, SCALA_HOME environment variable must be configured.
- Go to at Root Directory of SparkHbasePOC project and give 'sbt clean assembly' command which will make Uber('Super') jar for your Project
- Take Uber jar from target directory of your project for example, /home/chetan/IdeaProjects/SparkMSAPoc/target/scala-2.12/
- Now Spark Job Jar is ready for execution, go to /usr/local/spark where your spark is configured, give below command to execute spark job
bin/spark-submit --class /home/chetan/hbase-spark/SparkMSAPoc-assembly-1.0.jar
where --class is main class of your spark job and Spark Uber Jar path.