GIT-SVN Extension, several convenience functions to help with release/merges/feature management etc.
Usage: git goth -h|help|?
Usage: git goth edit|-e|eclipse # edit this script
Usage: git goth branch # Show upstream/downstream stats
Usage: git goth branch last [<limit>] # list SVN branches sorted by last updated
Usage: git goth scp|stage <remote> [ref|file..] # scp and stage your files to specified remote
Usage: git goth remote # show remote status relative to HEAD
Usage: git goth upstream|up [<ref>] # find upstream branch
Usage: git goth scp|stage <remote> [<ref>] # show diff relative to <ref> and upload unstaged files to <remote>
Usage: git goth show [-dhj] # -d:unpushed -h:hash-only -j:jira-only
Usage: git goth rebase --all # stash + svn fetch + rebase all branches
Usage: git goth cherry-pick|cp [<ref>..] # customized cherry-pick for SVN
Usage: git goth trac|tracf [<ref>..] # generate Trac link
Usage: git qa info [-limit] # list last RC tags or maintenance branch
Usage: git qa graph [-limit] # show QA graph
Usage: git qa unmerged [JIRA#..] # release jira tracking, whether a jira has been merged or release
Usage: git qa merge <branchname> <JIRA#> [message]
Usage: git qa blame # run a different variation of git log --merge
Deprecated commands:
Usage: git goth log [branch] # log of current SVN branch
Usage: git qa rc [new [QAT]] # Create new SVN branch
Usage: git qa build # Run ant build
Usage: git qa tag [REL_8.XX] # Generate create new SVN tag command
Usage: git qa rebase # Run git qa merge to rebase from RC
The simplest way is to download this file and place it somewhere your PATH
curl -sk > ~/bin/git-goth
chmod +x ~/bin/git-goth
Usage: git goth scp|stage <remote> [ref|file..] # show diff relative to <ref> and upload unstaged files to specified remote
This is wrapper around the following tasks:
- git diff <files>
- scp <files> <remote>:<files>
- git add <files>
- # delete any files in remote repo if files are deleted in local repo.