MATortho is a Matlab package for the local orthogonalization method and the local similarity measurement (for detecting signal leakage) introduced in Chen and Fomel (2015).
NOTE: If you use this package to calculate local orthogonalization weight and local similarity, please show courtesy to cite the reference below. Using local similarity to calculate the signal leakage was first ever used in the work by Chen and Fomel (2015), please show courtesy if you use it for the same purpose.
Since March, 19, 2023, this official site of Matlab-version local orthogonalization package has been moved to The current site of the package is no longer maintained.
Chen, Y. and Fomel, S., 2015, Random noise attenuation using local signal-and-noise orthogonalization, Geophysics, WD1-WD9.
title={Random noise attenuation using local signal-and-noise orthogonalization},
author={Yangkang Chen and Sergey Fomel},
publisher={Society of Exploration Geophysicists}
MATortho developing team, 2013-present
GNU General Public License, Version 3
Using the latest version
git clone
cd MATortho
addpath(genpath('./')); #in Matlab command line
The "demo" directory contains all runable scripts to demonstrate different applications of MATortho.
- Matlab 2015 and later versions
The development team welcomes voluntary contributions from any open-source enthusiast.
If you want to make contribution to this project, feel free to contact the development team.
Regarding any questions, bugs, developments, collaborations, please contact
Yangkang Chen
[email protected]
The gallery figures of the MATortho package can be found at Each figure in the gallery directory corresponds to a DEMO script in the "demo" directory with the exactly the same file name.
The following figure shows a 2D denoising example using the MATortho package. Generated by demos/test_localortho.m
The following figure shows a 3D denoising example using the MATortho package. Generated by demos/test_localortho3d.m