HM-LIO: A Hash Map based LiDAR-Inertial Odometry.
hm-lio is a hash-map based LiDAR-inertial odometry, and this is just my personal experimental demonstration. It manage the local map with hash-map as ct-icp, and the lio is a simple reproduction of FAST-LIO 1.0.
NOTE: This is just my personal experimental demonstration, maybe some bugs, feel free to contact me.
- Manage the local map with HashMpa
- A simple reproduction of fastlio 1.0 (use eigen instead of IKFoM)
- support online extrinsic calib
- add residual weight
- a lidar process moudle
Ubuntu >= 18.04
For Ubuntu 18.04 or higher, the default PCL and Eigen is enough for ct_lio to work normally.
ROS >= Melodic. ROS Installation
PCL >= 1.8, Follow PCL Installation.
Eigen >= 3.3.4, Follow Eigen Installation.
Clone the repository and catkin_make:
NOTE:[This is import] before catkin_make, make sure your dependency is right(you can change in ./cmake/packages.cmake)
cd ~/$A_ROS_DIR$/src
git clone
cd hm_lio
cd ../..
source devel/setup.bash
- If you want to use a custom build of PCL, add the following line to ~/.bashrc
A. Please make sure the IMU and LiDAR are Synchronized, that's important.
B. The warning message "Failed to find match for field 'time'." means the timestamps of each LiDAR points are missed in the rosbag file. That is important for the forward propagation and backwark propagation.
C. Before run with NCLT dataset, you should change time-scale in cloud_convert.cpp( static double tm_scale = 1e6)
roslaunch hm_lio run_eskf.launch
rosbag play *
There is a time log file in ./log/ after run the code. we can plot the time with the scripts.
cd hm-lio
python3 ./scripts/
- ct_icp: Continuous-Time LiDAR Odometry .
- FAST-LIO: A computationally efficient and robust LiDAR-inertial odometry (LIO) package.
- robin-map: A C++ implementation of a fast hash map and hash set using robin hood hashing.
- IESKF-LIO: A reproduction of Fast-lio.
- More experiments.
- Fix bug.