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[oc_erchef] Move lucene_txfm_tests to chef_lucene_tests
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stevendanna committed Oct 29, 2015
1 parent 5136fc7 commit c0f7dde
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Showing 3 changed files with 182 additions and 196 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion oc-chef-pedant/spec/api/search/search_spec.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ def fetch_clients(names)

# Because data bag items are hierarchical, we need to fudge
# things a bit to make the common tests work for them
let(:index_name) { "data_bag_item%20+data_bag:#{bag_name}" }
let(:index_name) { "data_bag_item +data_bag:#{bag_name}" }
let(:container) { "data/#{bag_name}" } # data bags are odd
let(:deletion_identifier) { test_item_id }

Expand Down
181 changes: 181 additions & 0 deletions src/oc_erchef/apps/chef_index/test/chef_lucene_tests.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,3 +31,184 @@ chef_lucene_solr_test_() ->
?assertEqual(chef_lucene:parse(<<"foo:bar">>), <<"content:foo__=__bar">>)

-define(i2b(X), iolist_to_binary(X)).
-define(gv(X, PL), proplists:get_value(X, PL)).

read_example_queries(File) ->
{ok, FH} = file:open(File, [read, binary]),
Queries = read_queries(FH, []),

read_queries(FH, Acc) ->
case file:read_line(FH) of
{ok, LF} when LF == <<"\n">> orelse LF == "\n" ->
read_queries(FH, Acc);
{ok, Line} ->
read_queries(FH, [trimre(Line)|Acc]);
eof ->
make_pairs(lists:reverse(Acc), []);
{error, Why} -> {error, Why}

make_pairs([A, B |Rest], Acc) ->
make_pairs(Rest, [{A, B} | Acc]);
make_pairs([], Acc) ->

trimre(Bin) ->
re:replace(Bin, "^\\s+|\\s+$", % FIX for emacs "
[{return, binary}, global]).

query_example_test_() ->
%% run the example transform tests as we run in Ruby Chef
%% TravisCI doesn't allow relative paths
Len = length(code:priv_dir(chef_index)),
Dir = string:sub_string(code:priv_dir(chef_index), 1, Len - 4),
Path = Dir ++ "/test/search_queries.txt",
?debugFmt("Reading example queries from ~p", [Path]),
Queries = read_example_queries(Path),
[ ?_assertEqual(E, chef_lucene:parse(I)) || {I, E} <- Queries ].

lucene_query_test_() ->
Tests = [{"aterm", <<"aterm">>},
{"a1 b2 c3", <<"a1 b2 c3">>},
{"afield:aterm", <<"content:afield__=__aterm">>}
[ ?_assertEqual(Want, chef_lucene:parse(In)) || {In, Want} <- Tests ].

term_whitespace_test_() ->
% we just preserve space for now, no need to be more particular
RawTerms = [<<" leading">>, <<"trailing ">>],
Terms = [<<" leading">>, <<"trailing ">>],
Tests = lists:zip(RawTerms, Terms),
[ ?_assertEqual(T, chef_lucene:parse(R)) || {R, T} <- Tests ].

term_keyword_test_() ->
Keywords = [<<"AND">>, <<"OR">>, <<"NOT">>],
Prefixed = [ <<"X", K/binary>> || K <- Keywords ],
Suffixed = [ <<K/binary, "X">> || K <- Keywords ],
Tests = Prefixed ++ Suffixed,
[ ?_assertEqual(K, chef_lucene:parse(K)) || K <- Tests ].

term_special_chars_test_() ->
SpecialChars = ["!", "(", ")", "{", "}", "[", "]",
"^", "\"", "~", "*", "?", ":", "\\"],
Formats = ["foo~sbar", "~sb", "a~s", "a~sb"],
Terms = [ ?i2b(io_lib:format(F, ["\\" ++ C])) ||
F <- Formats, C <- SpecialChars ],
[ ?_assertEqual(T, chef_lucene:parse(T)) || T <- Terms ].
field_range_test_() ->
Queries = [{"afield:[start TO end]",
<<"content:[afield__=__start TO afield__=__end]">>},
{"afield:{start TO end}",
<<"content:{afield__=__start TO afield__=__end}">>},
{"afield:[start TO *]",
<<"content:[afield__=__start TO afield__=__\\ufff0]">>},
{"afield:{start TO *}",
<<"content:{afield__=__start TO afield__=__\\ufff0}">>},
{"afield:[* TO end]",
<<"content:[afield__=__ TO afield__=__end]">>},
{"afield:{* TO end}",
<<"content:{afield__=__ TO afield__=__end}">>},
% NOTE: for the * TO * case, we're just returning
% everything and ignoring inclusive/exclusive
{"afield:[* TO *]", <<"content:afield__=__*">>},
{"afield:{* TO *}", <<"content:afield__=__*">>}
[ ?_assertEqual(E, chef_lucene:parse(I)) || {I, E} <- Queries ].
groups_test_() ->
Tests = [<<"(aterm)">>,
<<"(a1 b1 c1)">>,
<<"abc (x y z) jj">>],
[ ?_assertEqual(I, chef_lucene:parse(I)) || I <- Tests ].
boolean_ops_on_single_terms_test_() ->
Ops = ["AND", "&&", "OR", "||"],
Tests = [ ?i2b(io_lib:format("foo ~s bar", [Op])) || Op <- Ops ],
[ ?_assertEqual(I, chef_lucene:parse(I)) || I <- Tests ].
multiple_booleans_test() ->
Query = <<"t1 AND t2 OR t3 AND t4">>,
?assertEqual(Query, chef_lucene:parse(Query)).
groups_and_booleans_test_() ->
Tests = ["(a && b)", "(a && b) OR c",
"c OR (a AND b)", "(a AND d) OR (a && b)"],
[ ?_assertEqual(?i2b(I), chef_lucene:parse(I)) || I <- Tests ].
not_queries_test_() ->
Tests = ["a NOT b" "a ! b", "a !b",
"a NOT (b OR c)", "a !(b OR c)"],
[ ?_assertEqual(?i2b(I), chef_lucene:parse(I)) || I <- Tests ].
required_and_prohibited_prefixes_test_() ->
% FIXME: should we change the parsing to only accept prohibited
% operator when there is an adjacent term?
Prefixes = ["+", "-"],
Formats = [{"~saterm", [{op, <<"aterm">>}]},
{"first ~ssecond", [<<"first">>, {op, <<"second">>}]},
{"~sfirst second", [{op, <<"first">>}, <<"second">>]}],
Tests = [ ?i2b(io_lib:format(In, [Op])) || Op <- Prefixes, {In, _L} <- Formats ],
[ ?_assertEqual(?i2b(I), chef_lucene:parse(I)) || I <- Tests ].
ignore_inner_special_chars_in_terms_test_() ->
Specials = ["+", "-", "*", "?", "_", "."],
Terms = [ ?i2b(io_lib:format("foo~sbar", [S])) || S <- Specials ],
[ ?_assertEqual(T, chef_lucene:parse(T)) || T <- Terms].
phrase_query_test_() ->
Phrases = ["\"single\"",
"\"one two three\"",
"\"has \\\"escaped\\\" quotes\\\"s\"",
"+\"one two\"",
"-\"one two\""],
[ ?_assertEqual(?i2b(I), chef_lucene:parse(I)) || I <- Phrases ].

not_queries_on_phrases_test_() ->
Queries = ["a NOT \"b c\"", "a !\"b c\"", "a ! \"b c\""],
[ ?_assertEqual(?i2b(I), chef_lucene:parse(I)) || I <- Queries ].

field_labeled_queries_test_() ->
Tests = [
{"a_field:aterm", <<"content:a_field__=__aterm">>},
% FIXME: should we bother to support this or explicitly
% say it is unsupported?
% {"afield:(a b c)", <<"content:(afield__=__a afield__=__b afield__=__c)">>},
{"afield:\"a b\"", <<"content:\"afield__=__a b\"">>}
[ ?_assertEqual(E, chef_lucene:parse(I)) || {I, E} <- Tests ].

term_boosting_test_() ->
Tests = ["word^0.5", "\"one two\"^10"],
[ ?_assertEqual(?i2b(I), chef_lucene:parse(I)) || I <- Tests ].

fuzzy_query_test_() ->
Tests = ["word~", "word~0.5"],
[ ?_assertEqual(?i2b(I), chef_lucene:parse(I)) || I <- Tests ].
fielded_fuzzy_query_test_() ->
Tests = [{"afield:word~", <<"content:afield__=__word~">>},
{"afield:word~0.5", <<"content:afield__=__word~0.5">>}],
[ ?_assertEqual(Expect, chef_lucene:parse(I)) || {I, Expect} <- Tests ].
star_star_test() ->
?assertEqual(<<"*:*">>, chef_lucene:parse(<<"*:*">>)).
leading_star_test() ->
?assertEqual(<<"content:afield__=__*">>, chef_lucene:parse("afield:*")).
wildcard_query_test_() ->
Tests = [
{"afield:cr?p", <<"content:afield__=__cr?p">>},
{"afield:c???", <<"content:afield__=__c???">>}
[ ?_assertEqual(Expect, chef_lucene:parse(I)) || {I, Expect} <- Tests ].
195 changes: 0 additions & 195 deletions src/oc_erchef/apps/chef_index/test/lucene_txfm_tests.erl

This file was deleted.

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