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[SPOOL-197] [#111] clients can be added to ACL even if user exist
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This addresses three long-standing issues:

1. when a user exists in the Chef Server, it was not possible to add
   a client to an object's ACL if that client had the same name. The
   logic that retrieved actors based on names obeyed org constraints for
   clients, but looked at the global users list without consideration
   for whether or not the users were members of the organization.  This
   has been corrected, so that the presence of a user anywhere in the
   system can no longer block a same-named client from being added to an
   object's ACL.
2. when an actor being added does not exist or is not in the
   organization, the request would fail with a 400 'missing/invalid actor'
   message. It would not give any indication of which actor(s) caused a
   problem. This has been corrected, and the error message now includes the
   list of actor(s) that could not be added.
3. when an actor being added exists as both an org client and a user,
   the same "400 missing/invalid actor" message would be sent.
   Occurrences of this will be reduced now that we restrict the search
   to users in the org, but can still occur if an org-user shares a name
   with a client.   We have changed this to reply with "422 (Unprocessable Entity)".
   The error message explains that the actor name(s) are ambiguous and
   provides the list of names.

   Further updates will provide a means to

The next round of updates will expand the acl API to accept and provide
`clients` and `users` attributes.  Using those attributes instead of
`actors` when updating ACLs will give a workaround for the scenario described above (3)
and will be the preferred method for updating ACLs via the API.
Marc Paradise committed Aug 18, 2016


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1 parent 683cf38 commit a2a7803
Showing 8 changed files with 155 additions and 29 deletions.
12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4,9 +4,19 @@ This document contains an overview of significant customer-facing changes
in the release. For a detailed list of changed components, refer to

This document contains release notes for the current release and all patches.
This document contains release notes for the current major release and all patches.
For prior releases, see [PRIOR\_RELEASE\](

## 12.8.1

### Chef Server
* The object ACL API now requires that any users being added to an
object's ACL exist in the same organization as the object itself.
Existing users that are not organization members and have already been added
to an ACL will not be affected.

## 12.8.0 (2016-07-06)

### Chef Server
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions oc-chef-pedant/lib/pedant/platform.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -190,6 +190,10 @@ def cleanup

def delete_node(name, org = self.test_org)
delete(api_url("/nodes/#{name}", org), self.superuser)

def create_client(name, org = self.test_org)
clientname = name.to_s
payload = { "name" => clientname }
@@ -594,4 +598,5 @@ def gen_rsa_key(name)

56 changes: 54 additions & 2 deletions oc-chef-pedant/spec/api/account/account_acl_spec.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4,6 +4,13 @@
describe "ACL API", :acl do
include Pedant::ACL

# Generate random string identifier prefixed with current pid
# TODO - we have about 6 flavors of this. Let's clean them up
# and move them into Platform.
def rand_id

# (temporarily?) deprecating /users/*/_acl endpoint due to its broken state and lack of usefulness
skip "/users/<name>/_acl endpoint" do
let(:username) { }
@@ -43,7 +50,6 @@

%w(create read update delete grant).each do |permission|
context "/users/<user>/_acl/#{permission} endpoint" do
if (permission == "read")
@@ -724,8 +730,54 @@
end # context /organizations/_acl/<permission> endpoint
end # loop (each) over permissions

context "/<type>/<name>/_acl endpoint" do
# Special case that doesn't fit into the generic behaviors above - specifically
# when a client & a user of the same name exist, updates to an acl specifying
# the common name as the actor should fail with a 422, because we have no
# way of knowing if the caller wanted to add the client or the user to the ACL.
context "when a client exists with the same name as a user" do
let(:shared_name) { "pedant-acl-#{rand_id}" }
let(:request_url) { api_url("/clients/#{shared_name}/_acl/read") }
let(:acl_request_body) {
{ read: { actors: ['pivotal', shared_name],
groups: ['admins'] } }

before :each do
@user = platform.create_user(shared_name, associate: false)
@client = platform.create_client(shared_name, platform.test_org)

after :each do

context "and the user is a member of the organization" do
before :each do
platform.associate_user_with_org(, @user)

it "updates of the object ACL results in a 422 due to ambiguous request" do
put(request_url, platform.admin_user, payload: acl_request_body)
.should look_like(status: 422)

context "and the user is not a member of the organization" do
# TODO - once we support separating clients and users in the ACL GET API
# response (up next), we can verify that the correct actor was added too.
it "there is no ambiguity and the object ACL update succeeds" do
put(request_url, platform.admin_user, payload: acl_request_body)
.should look_like(status: 200)


context "/<type>/<name>/_acl endpoint" do
# TODO: Sanity check: users don't seem to have any ACLs, or at least, nothing is
# accessible from external API as far as I can tell:
# - [jkeiser] Users have ACLs, but they are at /users/NAME/_acl
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions src/oc_erchef/apps/oc_chef_authz/priv/pgsql_statements.config
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -193,9 +193,11 @@
{find_group_name_in_authz_ids, <<"SELECT name, authz_id FROM groups WHERE authz_id = ANY($1)">>}.
{find_group_authz_id_in_names, <<"SELECT authz_id FROM groups WHERE org_id = $1 AND name = ANY($2)">>}.

%% cookbook artifact versions
<<"SELECT * FROM insert_cookbook_artifact_version($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9)">>}.

<<"SELECT, cav.identifier, cav.metadata, cav.serialized_object, cav.created_at, cav.created_by,"
"ca.org_id,, ca.authz_id, ARRAY_AGG(cavc.checksum) AS checksums "
@@ -244,3 +246,23 @@
"WHERE org_id = $1 "
"AND checksum = ANY($2) "
"GROUP BY checksum">>}.

% For each name provided as $1 (array), this will return a row
% containing the name (name_in), the client authz id (c_authz_id) and the
% user authz_id of user in the org.
% If u_authz_id is null, the actor does not exist as a user *in the org*
% If c_authz_id is null, the actor does not exist as a client in the org.
% THere is a special case for pivotal, because pivotal is not a member
% of any org, but is commonly present in ACLs.
<<"WITH inputs AS (SELECT unnest($2::text[]) AS name_in),
user_org AS (SELECT username, authz_id AS u_authz_id
FROM org_user_associations, users
WHERE org_id = $1 AND user_id =
SELECT username, authz_id AS u_authz_id FROM users WHERE username = 'pivotal')
SELECT name_in, u_authz_id, clients.authz_id c_authz_id
FROM inputs
LEFT JOIN user_org ON username = name_in
LEFT JOIN clients ON = name_in AND clients.org_id = $1">>}.

44 changes: 30 additions & 14 deletions src/oc_erchef/apps/oc_chef_authz/src/oc_chef_authz_acl.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -182,32 +182,48 @@ has_grant_on(ObjectType, ObjectId, ActorId) ->
convert_group_names_to_ids(GroupNames, OrgId) ->
oc_chef_group:find_group_authz_ids(GroupNames, OrgId, fun chef_sql:select_rows/1).

convert_actor_names_to_ids(Names, OrgId) ->
ClientIds = oc_chef_group:find_client_authz_ids(Names, OrgId,
fun chef_sql:select_rows/1),
UserIds = oc_chef_group:find_user_authz_ids(Names, fun chef_sql:select_rows/1),
ClientIds ++ UserIds.

names_to_ids(Ace, OrgId) ->
ActorNames = ej:get({<<"actors">>}, Ace),
GroupNames = ej:get({<<"groups">>}, Ace),
ActorIds = convert_actor_names_to_ids(ActorNames, OrgId),
% Check to make sure everything got converted; if something is missing,
% there was an invalid actor or group name in the request body
case length(ActorNames) == length(ActorIds) of
false ->
_ ->
case fetch_actors(OrgId, ActorNames) of
{ok, ActorIds} ->
GroupIds = convert_group_names_to_ids(GroupNames, OrgId),
case length(GroupNames) == length(GroupIds) of
false ->
_ ->
Ace1 = ej:set({<<"actors">>}, Ace, ActorIds),
ej:set({<<"groups">>}, Ace1, GroupIds)
{error, Reason} ->

fetch_actors(OrgId, ActorNames) ->
{ok, Actors} = oc_chef_authz_db:find_org_actors_by_name(OrgId, ActorNames),
{Missing, Remaining} = lists:partition(fun is_missing_actor/1, Actors),
{Ambiguous, Valid} = lists:partition(fun is_ambiguous_actor/1, Remaining),
case {Valid, Missing, Ambiguous} of
{Ids, [], []} -> {ok, [id_from_record(R) || R <- Ids]};
{_, Missing, []} -> {error, {bad_actor, names_from_records(Missing)}};
{_, [], Ambiguous} -> {error, {ambiguous_actor, names_from_records(Ambiguous)}};
{_, _, Ambiguous} -> {error, {ambiguous_actor, names_from_records(Ambiguous)}}

names_from_records(Records) ->
[ Name || {Name, _, _} <- Records].

id_from_record({_, UserAuthzId, null}) -> UserAuthzId;
id_from_record({_, null, ClientAuthzId}) -> ClientAuthzId.

is_missing_actor({_, UserAuthzId, ClientAuthzId}) ->
UserAuthzId =:= null andalso ClientAuthzId =:= null.

is_ambiguous_actor({_, UserAuthzId, ClientAuthzId}) ->
UserAuthzId =/= null andalso ClientAuthzId =/= null.

%% Reverse mapping of ids to names (this should have a lot of commonality with groups)
18 changes: 17 additions & 1 deletion src/oc_erchef/apps/oc_chef_authz/src/oc_chef_authz_db.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@

@@ -182,3 +183,18 @@ fetch_group(#oc_chef_authz_context{reqid = ReqId, server_api_version = ApiVersio
{error, _} = Error ->

find_org_actors_by_name(OrgId, ActorNames) ->
case sqerl:select(find_org_actors_by_name, [OrgId, ActorNames]) of
{ok, L} when is_list(L) ->
% WIP - change this to a record.
R = [{proplists:get_value(<<"name_in">>, Row),
proplists:get_value(<<"u_authz_id">>, Row),
proplists:get_value(<<"c_authz_id">>, Row)} || Row <- L],
{ok, R};
{ok, none} ->
{ok, []};
{error, Error} ->
{error, Error}

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/oc_erchef/apps/oc_chef_authz/src/oc_chef_authz_db.hrl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
'authz_node' |

-type container_name() :: binary().
%% no binary literals in type specs?
%% <<"clients">> |
26 changes: 15 additions & 11 deletions src/oc_erchef/apps/oc_chef_wm/src/oc_chef_wm_acl_permission.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -111,15 +111,17 @@ from_json(Req, #base_state{organization_guid = OrgId,
case update_from_json(AclState, Part, OrgId) of
forbidden ->
{{halt, 400}, Req, State};
bad_actor ->
% We don't actually know which one, so can't use a more specific
% message without checking every single object (which we don't yet
% do efficiently); we only get back a list of Ids that has a
% different length than the list of names we started with.
Msg = <<"Invalid/missing actor in request body">>,
Msg1 = {[{<<"error">>, [Msg]}]},
Req1 = wrq:set_resp_body(chef_json:encode(Msg1), Req),
{{halt, 400}, Req1, State#base_state{log_msg = bad_actor}};
{ambiguous_actor, Actors} ->
Msg = {[{<<"error">>, iolist_to_binary([<<"The actor(s)">>, Actors,
<<"exist as both clients and users within this organization. Please resubmit using the attributes 'clients' and 'users' instead of 'actors' to disambiguate your request.">>])}]},
Req1 = wrq:set_resp_body(chef_json:encode(Msg), Req),
{{halt, 422}, Req1, State#base_state{log_msg = {ambiguous_actor, Actors}}};
{bad_actor, Actors} ->
Msg = {[{<<"error">>, iolist_to_binary([<<"The actor(s)">>, Actors,
<<"do not exist in this organization as clients or users.">>])}]},
Req1 = wrq:set_resp_body(chef_json:encode(Msg), Req),
{{halt, 400}, Req1, State#base_state{log_msg = {bad_actor, Actors}}};

bad_group ->
Msg = <<"Invalid/missing group in request body">>,
Msg1 = {[{<<"error">>, [Msg]}]},
@@ -156,10 +158,12 @@ update_from_json(#acl_state{type = Type, authz_id = AuthzId, acl_data = Data},
oc_chef_authz_acl:update_part(Part, Data, Type, AuthzId, OrgId)
throw:{ambiguous_actor, Actors} ->
{ambiguous_actor, Actors};
throw:forbidden ->
throw:bad_actor ->
throw:{bad_actor, Actors} ->
{bad_actor, Actors};
throw:bad_group ->

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