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tag an image

Russell Seymour edited this page Sep 14, 2017 · 2 revisions

Package Upload

VSTS Task Name: Tag an Image (Habitat) VSTS Phase: Release

Tags a Docker image that has been exported from Habitat.


It is not possible to tag a Docker image that is exported from Habitat. However if the image needs to be uploaded to a Docker Registry (using one of the VSTS Docker tasks) then it must be tagged. This task allows the tagging of the exported image.

This task requires Docker to be installed.

NOTE: This is just a tagging task, it does not perform the upload to the specified Docker Repo.


Setting Required Default Value Description
Display name yes Install Habitat Set the display name for this task
Docker Repo yes Target Docker registry. Can be a private registry
Version Tag yes $(Build.BuildNumber) Version to tag the image with
Last Build Environment File $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/$(System.TeamProject)-CI/drop/last_build.env Path to the Habitat build environment file

The variables specified in the table above come from VSTS. A list of well known variables can be found here.


Variable / Setting Example Value
$(System.TeamProject) HelloWorld
$(Build.BuildNumber) 1.1.15
Origin russellseymour
Format docker
Package Name mypackage
Release 20170607113423

Given the settings and variables in the table above, the resultant command that the task will run is:

$> docker tag russellseymour/mypackage:1.1.15-20170607113423
