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build habitat package

Russell Seymour edited this page Sep 14, 2017 · 3 revisions

Build Habitat Package

Create a new project or use an existing one to upload your Habitat based application so that a build process can be created around it.

NOTE: In this example the default project that is created when a new VSTS account os created will be used. This is called 'MyFirstProject'.

  1. From the 'Build and Release' drop down, select 'Builds'.
  2. Click on the 'New Definition' button.
  3. Click the 'Empty Process' link
  4. Select the 'Default agent queue' that will be used to build this definition
  5. Add the following tasks to the definition
    • Install Habitat

      • Leave everything as default
    • Signing Origin Key (Habitat)

      • Select the Habitat Origin that was created in step 2 from the drop down menu
    • Shell Script
      In order to set the Habitat package version to the same value as the VSTS Build Number a very simple script is used to write the build number to a file. This is then read by the build task to version the package. The script contents are and, in this case, should be called in the project:

      echo $1 > buildnumber
      • Set the 'Display name' to something useful
      • Set the 'Script Path' to where the script that will take the build number as a parameter exists. (Use the ellipsis at the end of the textbox to select the file from the GUI).
      • Set the 'Arguments' to the VSTS variable for the build number - $(Build.BuildNumber).
    • Build Plan (Habitat)

      • For the purposes of this demo the values can be left as default. However if the project being built has a different project structure then path to the plan and the source directory can be modified if required.
    • Copy Files

      • Set the 'Display Name' to something useful

      • Set the 'Source Folder' to the path that the hart file and the build number file will be set. In this demo the path is $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/results.

        NOTE: The path will not be selectable from the ellipsis as this project has not been built yet thus the results folder will not exist.

      • Set the 'Contents', which is a list of the files that need to be copied to the artifacts directory. As the HART and environment variables file is required the following should be set:


      • Set the 'Target Folder' to $(Build.ArtifactsStagingDirectory).

    • Publish Build Artifacts

      • Set the 'Display name' to something useful
      • Set the 'Path to Publish' to the same value as the Target Folder in the last task, so in this example it will be $(Build.ArtifactsStagingDirectory).
      • Leave the 'Artifact Type' as Server.
  6. Select 'Options' and in the 'Build number format' set the following pattern 0.0$(Rev:.r).
    • This will ensure that the build number increments each time if there have been no other changes to the build number.
  7. Now click on 'Save and queue' and select the option to 'Save' the new definition.
    • Complete the summary of changes that have been made if so desired.
  8. Queue a new build by clicking on the 'Queue' button at the near the top right of the screen.

* In order to set the Habitat package version to the same value

Install shared extension