A command-line interface for Checkson
Download the newest .deb package for your architecture from the releases page.
sudo apt install ./checkson-cli_1.0.16_linux_amd64.deb
sudo snap install checkson
Download the newest .tar.gz file for your architecture from the releases page.
tar xvzf checkson-cli_1.0.16_linux_amd64.tar.gz -C /tmp
sudo mv /tmp/checkson /usr/local/bin
checkson login
You will be asked to login on https://app.checkson.io and to authorize the CLI.
This shows the status of all checks:
checkson list
This creates a new check that checks a website for SSL/TLS errors and sends an email if a problem is found:
checkson create new-check \
--docker-image ghcr.io/checkson-io/checkson-testssl-check:main \
--env URL=https://yourwebsite.com \
--email [email protected]
This shows details of the given check:
checkson show new-check
This command line tool is partly based on kafkactl
- Install golangcli-lint
In order to release a new version, do the following:
git tag -a v1.0.16 -m "v1.0.16"
git push origin v1.0.16