This document describe basic usage / SOP to use CI/CD on Tekton CD. For more information about pipeline maintainence, check advanced documents:
- Pipeline Admin Doc for those who maitain CI/CD pipeline on Tekton CD (Devs / project leader)
- Tekton Deploy Doc for those who maitain Tekton CD & GKE cluster (Devops / SRE)
Fetch context from GKE, its-tekton-k8s-tw-01
gcloud container clusters get-credentials its-tekton-k8s-tw-01 --zone asia-east1
Watch pipeline
watch tkn -n tekton-pipelines pipelinerun list
watch tkn -n tekton-pipelines taskrun list
Show log
tkn -n tekton-pipelines pipelines logs -f
tkn -n tekton-pipelines taskrun logs
ex. trigger tekton-playground
vim catalog/tekton-playground-pipelinerun.yaml
kubectl apply -f catalog/tekton-playground-pipelinerun.yaml
View / Stop pipeline with GUI.
Don't rerun pipelineruns from Dashboard. This will fail due to insufficient privillege to create workspace. see issue #1420