Count words, get reading times, and convert text to list items.
This plugin requires Craft CMS 3.0.0-beta.23 or later.
To install the plugin, search for Liquid Letters in the plugin store or follow these instructions.
Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:
cd /path/to/project
Then tell Composer to load the plugin:
composer require chattervast/liquid-letters
In the Control Panel, go to Settings → Plugins and click the “Install” button for Liquid Letters.
Liquid Letters adds Twig filters to count words, give reading times, and convert text to list items.
{{ entry.field | wordCount }}
Will output
The readTime
filter requires a timing parameter of seconds(sec
), minutes(min
), hours(hr
), or days(day
, just for fun!).
{{ entry.field | readTime('sec')
{{ entry.field | readTime('min')
{{ entry.field | readTime('hr')
{{ entry.field | readTime('day')
The output will be the number of the duration to read. If no timing or an invalid timing is submitted, the filter will return the text timing invalid
| toList
will convert a multiline text field (rich text) into an unordered list.
If {{ entry.field }}
The quick brown fox... oft repeated sententce.
Much ado about this.`{{ entry.field | toList }}
will return:
<ul><li>The quick brown fox...</li><li> oft repeated sentence.</li><li>Much ado about this.</li></ul>
|toList accepts 1 parameter to change its output. Passing 'ol' will output a numbered list.
{{ entry.field | toList('ol') }}
will return:
<ol><li>The quick brown fox...</li><li> oft repeated sentence.</li><li>Much ado about this.</li></ol>
Passing 'li' will only return the list items.
{{ entry.field | toList('li') }}
will return:
<li>The quick brown fox...</li><li> oft repeated sentence.</li><li>Much ado about this.</li>
Brought to you by Chattervast