The AutoQL Python Backend serves as a sample REST API for managing Dashboards, Query Quick Start, and Data Alerts.
Please note: This application is only intended to be an example and is missing some crucial elements, including user authentication and error handling. Therefore, it is not recommended for Production use in its current implementation.
This application uses Flask, Sqlite3 and Python 3.6.
To begin, create a virtual environment and install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Next, define the entry point for the application:
Create the database tables. This will initialize a Sqlite database called "autoql.db" in the parent directory:
flask db upgrade
Run the app on port 5000:
flask run
For information on the AutoQL Dashboard frontend components, please see our Developer Documentation:
POST /dashboards
Request JSON body:
"project_id": "string",
"user_id": "string",
"name": "string",
"data": [...]
* The 'data' field contains the Dashboard (an array of JSON objects) which is created in the AutoQL Dashboard widget
GET /dashboards?project_id=project-id&user_id=user-id
PUT /dashboards/{dashboard_id}
Request JSON Body
"name": "string",
"data": [...]
POST /your-webhook
HTTP Headers:
AutoQL-Signature: <signature_token>
AutoQL-Timestamp: 1234567890000
Request JSON body:
"event": "data_alert.true",
"payload": {
"notification_id": "nt_123",
"data_alert_id": "da_123",
"project_id": "project1",
"title": "High Sales",
"message":"You've achieved your sales goal this month",
"users": ["user1", "user2"],
"created_at": 1605910895,
"data_return_query": "total sales this month",
"query_result": {
"reference_id": "1.1.200",
"message": "ok",
GET /notifications/{notification_id}
Coming soon