This is a πͺ cookiecutter multipurpose template for creating a wide range of websites, from personal sites and blogs to corporate sites and online communities. With this template, you can easily get started on your project and have a professional-looking website up and running in no time.
- Modern and clean design
- Fully responsive and mobile-friendly
- Easy to customize and extend
- Built with the latest web technologies
- Compatible with a wide range of browsers
- Cross-platform support
This template includes all the essential features you need to create a website that meets your specific needs. Whether you're a developer, designer, blogger, entrepreneur, or someone who just wants to have an online presence, this template has got you covered.
Readme contents
This is a modern and clean template for MkDocs, built using the Material Design framework. The template is fully responsive and mobile-friendly, making it easy to view your content on any device. It's also easy to customize and extend, so you can make it your own.
Built with the latest web technologies, this template is compatible with a wide range of browsers and has cross-platform support. Whether you're creating a personal site, a blog, documentation, or a corporate site, the MkDocs Material Template is the perfect choice for your project.
A command-line utility that creates projects from cookiecutters (project templates), e.g. creating a Python package project from a Python package project template.
Visit these links to learn more about cookiecutter. Documentation: GitHub:
cookie-site -> Project directory.
βββ cookiecutter.json -> Cookiecutter values.
βββ {{cookiecutter.repository_name}} -> Cookiecutter template.
β βββ ...
βββ mkdocs.yml -> mkdocs configuration file.
βββ docs -> Project documentation.
β βββ ...
βββ -> README file.
βββ -> Code of conduct file.
βββ -> Contributing file.
βββ LICENSE -> LICENSE file.
βββ requirements.txt -> Requirements to run the project.
To create the project from the template you need to install cookiecutter and follow these instructions.
It is recommended to create and activate a virtual environment to install the libraries
Before installing Cookiecutter, please make sure you have the following software installed on your machine/environment:
To Verify the installation you can follow this steps.
Check Python installation:
To check if Python is installed on a machine, open a terminal or command prompt like
git bash
and type:python --version
This will display the version number of Python, if it is installed.
Check Pip installation:
To check if pip is installed, you can run the following command in the terminal or command prompt:
pip --version
If pip is installed, this command will display the version number. If pip is not installed, you will receive an error message.
Install cookiecutter:
Installing cookiecutter package is very easy, you can simply run the next command to install it.
python -m pip install cookiecutter
(optional) Follow this step if you don't have pypi as trusted host permanently:
If you don't have access to pypi, you can install cookiecutter with the following flags:
pip install --trusted-host --trusted-host --trusted-host cookiecutter
Or set the repositories as trusted in the global configuration parameters with the following command and then do the installation.
pip config set global.trusted-host ""
Visit the link to the cookiecutter documentation to learn more about the installation:
Install cookiecutter
To generate a custom project from the template, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the path where you desire to generate the project folder.
- Run the cookiecutter command followed by the repository URL.
python -m cookiecutter
- Fill out the form in the console and the project will be generated at the end.
ππ Congrats!! you have your project set and ready to roll.
You can install the requirements for the project by running the command
pip install -r requirements.txt
Remember that if you didn't set the pypi as trusted host globally in the previous step, you can add the following flags to the command.
pip install --trusted-host --trusted-host --trusted-host -r requirements.txt
After setting up the template, you can do a test run.
Serve the site locally running this command.
mkdocs serve -w overrides/
You may add the flag '-a localhost:8080' to select a custom local port.
Step 1: Create a new repository in github:
Create the new repository and make sure you give it the same name of the project folder, in our case my-cool-site.
Warning Don't add any predefined file from github in the new repository, all the files are included in the local project folder.
step 2: Push the local repository:
git remote add origin {{LINK TO YOUR EMPTY REPO}} git branch -M main git push -u origin main
To start coding your project we recommend to understand the project structure.
my-cool-site/ -> Project directory
βββ mkdocs.yml -> MkDocs configuration file
βββ docs/ -> Pages and site content
β βββ about/ -> About section with pages
β βββ assets/ -> Global assets for the site
β β βββ images -> Global images for the site
β β βββ javascripts -> Global javascripts for the site
β β βββ stylesheets -> Global CSS styles for the site
β βββ -> Getting started page
β βββ -> Home page
βββ overrides/ -> HTML to override material theme
β βββ home.html -> HTML for the home page
β βββ main.html -> HTML for all pages
βββ -> README file.
βββ -> Code of conduct file
βββ -> Contributing file
βββ requirements.txt -> Requirements to run the project
The main branch has been tested and before any push, we make sure everything is working fine. Feel free to open a new issue if you see the archetype is no working correctly or any additional requirement is needed.
This is an archetype template done in MkDocs using the library cookiecutter. This template is intended to help creating a personal site, a blog, documentation, or a corporate site.
Do not use this template for any commercial nor redistribution purpose. Actually, the use of such tool might be allowed for open-source or private projects.
This repository does provide the required installation instructions to install it by your own. Feel free to contact me on