In progress: hyperparameter tuning, network architecture options (e.g., opt out edge features, gnn layer options), and data augmentations.
Code related to our paper: "Graph Isomorphic Networks for Assessing Reliability of the Medium-Voltage Grid." by Cambier van Nooten, C., van de Poll, T., Füllhase, S., Heres, J., Heskes, T., & Shapovalova, Y.
Graph Isomorphic Networks for assessing the N-1 principle on energy grids. Case study on a medium-voltage grid of a Distribution System Operator (DSO) in the Netherlands (Alliander).
Disclaimer : This code demonstrates the main algorithm (GIN) in a barebone manner. Please contact us if there are any questions.
Real grid data (obtained from Alliander, DSO in the Netherlands) together with augmented data.
See the figures below for complementary illustrations of the GIN equations mentioned in the paper.
Fig 1. Overview of a single GIN block, example includes as input the first layer of embeddings (
Fig 2. Representation of an example graph
Fig 3. Apply the first MLPs in the first layer (
Fig 4. Apply the first MLPs in the first layer (
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pip install -r requirements