grimoire-elk 0.103.0-rc.1 - (2022-07-21)
New features:
- Entry points to support enriching plugin mechanism
This plugin mechanism allows ELK to use third-party enriching
backends. Developers only need to include the next snippet in their
package configuration and ELK will import them as any other core
backend.entry_points={"grimoire_elk": "mybackend = package.subpackage:get_connectors"},
NOTE: In the previous
is a function that returns the backend
classes needed to enrich a datasource. Take the next snipped as an
example:def get_connectors(): return {"backend": [MyBackend, MyBackendOcean, MyBackendEnrich, MyBackendCommand]}
- Configurable study aliases
Before this fix, the name of the study aliases was hard coded. From
now on, these values can be configured by passing them as parameters.
Bug fixes:
- [raw/slack] Handle fields in "data.file"
Avoid the 'Failed to insert data to ES' error when a document contains
at least one immense term in 'data.file' (whose UTF8 encoding is
longer than the max length 32766).