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feat(Icon): add new and updated icons (#1981)
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booc0mtaco authored Jun 7, 2024
1 parent 8545f14 commit fc7f842
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Showing 3 changed files with 137 additions and 6 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/components/Icon/Icon-v2.stories.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -141,4 +141,7 @@ const IconsInGrid = (args: IconProps) => (
export const IconGrid: Story = {
render: (args) => <IconsInGrid {...args} />,
parameters: {
layout: 'padded',
104 changes: 102 additions & 2 deletions src/components/Icon/__snapshots__/Icon-v2.test.ts.snap
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1442,6 +1442,26 @@ exports[`<Icon /> (v2) IconGrid story renders snapshot 1`] = `
class="icon icon-grid__icon"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
d="M5 21C4.45 21 3.97917 20.8042 3.5875 20.4125C3.19583 20.0208 3 19.55 3 19V5C3 4.45 3.19583 3.97917 3.5875 3.5875C3.97917 3.19583 4.45 3 5 3H11C11.2833 3 11.5208 3.09583 11.7125 3.2875C11.9042 3.47917 12 3.71667 12 4C12 4.28333 11.9042 4.52083 11.7125 4.7125C11.5208 4.90417 11.2833 5 11 5H5V19H11C11.2833 19 11.5208 19.0958 11.7125 19.2875C11.9042 19.4792 12 19.7167 12 20C12 20.2833 11.9042 20.5208 11.7125 20.7125C11.5208 20.9042 11.2833 21 11 21H5ZM17.175 13H10C9.71667 13 9.47917 12.9042 9.2875 12.7125C9.09583 12.5208 9 12.2833 9 12C9 11.7167 9.09583 11.4792 9.2875 11.2875C9.47917 11.0958 9.71667 11 10 11H17.175L15.3 9.125C15.1167 8.94167 15.025 8.71667 15.025 8.45C15.025 8.18333 15.1167 7.95 15.3 7.75C15.4833 7.55 15.7167 7.44583 16 7.4375C16.2833 7.42917 16.525 7.525 16.725 7.725L20.3 11.3C20.5 11.5 20.6 11.7333 20.6 12C20.6 12.2667 20.5 12.5 20.3 12.7L16.725 16.275C16.525 16.475 16.2875 16.5708 16.0125 16.5625C15.7375 16.5542 15.5 16.45 15.3 16.25C15.1167 16.05 15.0292 15.8125 15.0375 15.5375C15.0458 15.2625 15.1417 15.0333 15.325 14.85L17.175 13Z"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1762,6 +1782,26 @@ exports[`<Icon /> (v2) IconGrid story renders snapshot 1`] = `
class="icon icon-grid__icon"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
d="M16.2 9.9998H9.9C8.85 9.9998 7.9375 10.3331 7.1625 10.9998C6.3875 11.6665 6 12.4998 6 13.4998C6 14.4998 6.3875 15.3331 7.1625 15.9998C7.9375 16.6665 8.85 16.9998 9.9 16.9998H16C16.2833 16.9998 16.5208 17.0956 16.7125 17.2873C16.9042 17.479 17 17.7165 17 17.9998C17 18.2831 16.9042 18.5206 16.7125 18.7123C16.5208 18.904 16.2833 18.9998 16 18.9998H9.9C8.28333 18.9998 6.89583 18.4748 5.7375 17.4248C4.57917 16.3748 4 15.0665 4 13.4998C4 11.9331 4.57917 10.6248 5.7375 9.5748C6.89583 8.5248 8.28333 7.9998 9.9 7.9998H16.2L14.3 6.0998C14.1167 5.91647 14.025 5.68314 14.025 5.3998C14.025 5.11647 14.1167 4.88314 14.3 4.6998C14.4833 4.51647 14.7167 4.4248 15 4.4248C15.2833 4.4248 15.5167 4.51647 15.7 4.6998L19.3 8.2998C19.4 8.3998 19.4708 8.50814 19.5125 8.6248C19.5542 8.74147 19.575 8.86647 19.575 8.9998C19.575 9.13314 19.5542 9.25814 19.5125 9.3748C19.4708 9.49147 19.4 9.5998 19.3 9.6998L15.7 13.2998C15.5167 13.4831 15.2833 13.5748 15 13.5748C14.7167 13.5748 14.4833 13.4831 14.3 13.2998C14.1167 13.1165 14.025 12.8831 14.025 12.5998C14.025 12.3165 14.1167 12.0831 14.3 11.8998L16.2 9.9998Z"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1802,6 +1842,26 @@ exports[`<Icon /> (v2) IconGrid story renders snapshot 1`] = `
class="icon icon-grid__icon"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
d="M5 20V14C5 13.45 5.19583 12.9792 5.5875 12.5875C5.97917 12.1958 6.45 12 7 12H8V10H7C6.45 10 5.97917 9.80417 5.5875 9.4125C5.19583 9.02083 5 8.55 5 8V5C5 4.45 5.19583 3.97917 5.5875 3.5875C5.97917 3.19583 6.45 3 7 3H17C17.55 3 18.0208 3.19583 18.4125 3.5875C18.8042 3.97917 19 4.45 19 5V8C19 8.55 18.8042 9.02083 18.4125 9.4125C18.0208 9.80417 17.55 10 17 10H16V12H17C17.55 12 18.0208 12.1958 18.4125 12.5875C18.8042 12.9792 19 13.45 19 14V20C19 20.2833 18.9042 20.5208 18.7125 20.7125C18.5208 20.9042 18.2833 21 18 21C17.7167 21 17.4792 20.9042 17.2875 20.7125C17.0958 20.5208 17 20.2833 17 20V18H7V20C7 20.2833 6.90417 20.5208 6.7125 20.7125C6.52083 20.9042 6.28333 21 6 21C5.71667 21 5.47917 20.9042 5.2875 20.7125C5.09583 20.5208 5 20.2833 5 20ZM7 8H17V5H7V8ZM10 12H14V10H10V12ZM7 16H17V14H7V16Z"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1893,7 +1953,7 @@ exports[`<Icon /> (v2) IconGrid story renders snapshot 1`] = `
d="M19.65 9.04l-4.84-.42-1.89-4.45c-.34-.81-1.5-.81-1.84 0L9.19 8.63l-4.83.41c-.88.07-1.24 1.17-.57 1.75l3.67 3.18-1.1 4.72c-.2.86.73 1.54 1.49 1.08l4.15-2.5 4.15 2.51c.76.46 1.69-.22 1.49-1.08l-1.1-4.73 3.67-3.18c.67-.58.32-1.68-.56-1.75zM12 15.4l-3.76 2.27 1-4.28-3.32-2.88 4.38-.38L12 6.1l1.71 4.04 4.38.38-3.32 2.88 1 4.28L12 15.4z"
d="M8.84998 17.0732L12 15.1732L15.15 17.0982L14.325 13.4982L17.1 11.0982L13.45 10.7732L12 7.37324L10.55 10.7482L6.89998 11.0732L9.67498 13.4982L8.84998 17.0732ZM12 17.5232L7.84998 20.0232C7.66665 20.1399 7.47498 20.1899 7.27498 20.1732C7.07498 20.1566 6.89998 20.0899 6.74998 19.9732C6.59998 19.8566 6.48332 19.7107 6.39998 19.5357C6.31665 19.3607 6.29998 19.1649 6.34998 18.9482L7.44998 14.2232L3.77498 11.0482C3.60832 10.8982 3.50415 10.7274 3.46248 10.5357C3.42082 10.3441 3.43332 10.1566 3.49998 9.97324C3.56665 9.78991 3.66665 9.63991 3.79998 9.52324C3.93332 9.40658 4.11665 9.33158 4.34998 9.29824L9.19998 8.87324L11.075 4.42324C11.1583 4.22324 11.2875 4.07324 11.4625 3.97324C11.6375 3.87324 11.8167 3.82324 12 3.82324C12.1833 3.82324 12.3625 3.87324 12.5375 3.97324C12.7125 4.07324 12.8417 4.22324 12.925 4.42324L14.8 8.87324L19.65 9.29824C19.8833 9.33158 20.0667 9.40658 20.2 9.52324C20.3333 9.63991 20.4333 9.78991 20.5 9.97324C20.5667 10.1566 20.5792 10.3441 20.5375 10.5357C20.4958 10.7274 20.3917 10.8982 20.225 11.0482L16.55 14.2232L17.65 18.9482C17.7 19.1649 17.6833 19.3607 17.6 19.5357C17.5167 19.7107 17.4 19.8566 17.25 19.9732C17.1 20.0899 16.925 20.1566 16.725 20.1732C16.525 20.1899 16.3333 20.1399 16.15 20.0232L12 17.5232Z"
Expand All @@ -1913,7 +1973,7 @@ exports[`<Icon /> (v2) IconGrid story renders snapshot 1`] = `
d="m12 17.27 4.15 2.51c.76.46 1.69-.22 1.49-1.08l-1.1-4.72 3.67-3.18c.67-.58.31-1.68-.57-1.75l-4.83-.41-1.89-4.46c-.34-.81-1.5-.81-1.84 0L9.19 8.63l-4.83.41c-.88.07-1.24 1.17-.57 1.75l3.67 3.18-1.1 4.72c-.2.86.73 1.54 1.49 1.08l4.15-2.5z"
d="M12 17.5232L7.84998 20.0232C7.66665 20.1399 7.47498 20.1899 7.27498 20.1732C7.07498 20.1566 6.89998 20.0899 6.74998 19.9732C6.59998 19.8566 6.48332 19.7107 6.39998 19.5357C6.31665 19.3607 6.29998 19.1649 6.34998 18.9482L7.44998 14.2232L3.77498 11.0482C3.60832 10.8982 3.50415 10.7274 3.46248 10.5357C3.42082 10.3441 3.43332 10.1566 3.49998 9.97324C3.56665 9.78991 3.66665 9.63991 3.79998 9.52324C3.93332 9.40658 4.11665 9.33158 4.34998 9.29824L9.19998 8.87324L11.075 4.42324C11.1583 4.22324 11.2875 4.07324 11.4625 3.97324C11.6375 3.87324 11.8167 3.82324 12 3.82324C12.1833 3.82324 12.3625 3.87324 12.5375 3.97324C12.7125 4.07324 12.8417 4.22324 12.925 4.42324L14.8 8.87324L19.65 9.29824C19.8833 9.33158 20.0667 9.40658 20.2 9.52324C20.3333 9.63991 20.4333 9.78991 20.5 9.97324C20.5667 10.1566 20.5792 10.3441 20.5375 10.5357C20.4958 10.7274 20.3917 10.8982 20.225 11.0482L16.55 14.2232L17.65 18.9482C17.7 19.1649 17.6833 19.3607 17.6 19.5357C17.5167 19.7107 17.4 19.8566 17.25 19.9732C17.1 20.0899 16.925 20.1566 16.725 20.1732C16.525 20.1899 16.3333 20.1399 16.15 20.0232L12 17.5232Z"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2102,6 +2162,26 @@ exports[`<Icon /> (v2) IconGrid story renders snapshot 1`] = `
class="icon icon-grid__icon"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
d="M8 18.9998C7.71667 18.9998 7.47917 18.904 7.2875 18.7123C7.09584 18.5206 7 18.2831 7 17.9998C7 17.7165 7.09584 17.479 7.2875 17.2873C7.47917 17.0956 7.71667 16.9998 8 16.9998H14.1C15.15 16.9998 16.0625 16.6665 16.8375 15.9998C17.6125 15.3331 18 14.4998 18 13.4998C18 12.4998 17.6125 11.6665 16.8375 10.9998C16.0625 10.3331 15.15 9.9998 14.1 9.9998H7.8L9.7 11.8998C9.88334 12.0831 9.975 12.3165 9.975 12.5998C9.975 12.8831 9.88334 13.1165 9.7 13.2998C9.51667 13.4831 9.28334 13.5748 9 13.5748C8.71667 13.5748 8.48334 13.4831 8.3 13.2998L4.7 9.6998C4.6 9.5998 4.52917 9.49147 4.4875 9.3748C4.44584 9.25814 4.425 9.13314 4.425 8.9998C4.425 8.86647 4.44584 8.74147 4.4875 8.6248C4.52917 8.50814 4.6 8.3998 4.7 8.2998L8.3 4.6998C8.48334 4.51647 8.71667 4.4248 9 4.4248C9.28334 4.4248 9.51667 4.51647 9.7 4.6998C9.88334 4.88314 9.975 5.11647 9.975 5.3998C9.975 5.68314 9.88334 5.91647 9.7 6.0998L7.8 7.9998H14.1C15.7167 7.9998 17.1042 8.5248 18.2625 9.5748C19.4208 10.6248 20 11.9331 20 13.4998C20 15.0665 19.4208 16.3748 18.2625 17.4248C17.1042 18.4748 15.7167 18.9998 14.1 18.9998H8Z"
Expand All @@ -2122,6 +2202,26 @@ exports[`<Icon /> (v2) IconGrid story renders snapshot 1`] = `
class="icon icon-grid__icon"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
d="M6 19.9998C5.45 19.9998 4.97917 19.804 4.5875 19.4123C4.19583 19.0206 4 18.5498 4 17.9998V15.9998C4 15.7165 4.09583 15.479 4.2875 15.2873C4.47917 15.0956 4.71667 14.9998 5 14.9998C5.28333 14.9998 5.52083 15.0956 5.7125 15.2873C5.90417 15.479 6 15.7165 6 15.9998V17.9998H18V15.9998C18 15.7165 18.0958 15.479 18.2875 15.2873C18.4792 15.0956 18.7167 14.9998 19 14.9998C19.2833 14.9998 19.5208 15.0956 19.7125 15.2873C19.9042 15.479 20 15.7165 20 15.9998V17.9998C20 18.5498 19.8042 19.0206 19.4125 19.4123C19.0208 19.804 18.55 19.9998 18 19.9998H6ZM11 7.8498L9.125 9.7248C8.925 9.9248 8.6875 10.0206 8.4125 10.0123C8.1375 10.004 7.9 9.8998 7.7 9.6998C7.51667 9.4998 7.42083 9.26647 7.4125 8.9998C7.40417 8.73314 7.5 8.4998 7.7 8.2998L11.3 4.6998C11.4 4.5998 11.5083 4.52897 11.625 4.4873C11.7417 4.44564 11.8667 4.4248 12 4.4248C12.1333 4.4248 12.2583 4.44564 12.375 4.4873C12.4917 4.52897 12.6 4.5998 12.7 4.6998L16.3 8.2998C16.5 8.4998 16.5958 8.73314 16.5875 8.9998C16.5792 9.26647 16.4833 9.4998 16.3 9.6998C16.1 9.8998 15.8625 10.004 15.5875 10.0123C15.3125 10.0206 15.075 9.9248 14.875 9.7248L13 7.8498V14.9998C13 15.2831 12.9042 15.5206 12.7125 15.7123C12.5208 15.904 12.2833 15.9998 12 15.9998C11.7167 15.9998 11.4792 15.904 11.2875 15.7123C11.0958 15.5206 11 15.2831 11 14.9998V7.8498Z"
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