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Use KSYMediaPlayer

changsanjiang edited this page Sep 24, 2021 · 2 revisions

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Reinstall in the following way

  source ''

  pod 'SJBaseVideoPlayer/KSYMediaPlayer'
  pod 'SJVideoPlayer'
  pod 'KSYMediaPlayer_iOS/KSYMediaPlayer_vod', :git => ''

How to use

// 1. import header file
    #import <SJBaseVideoPlayer/SJKSYMediaPlayerPlaybackController.h>

    _player = SJVideoPlayer.player;
// 2. Switch playback control to SJKSYMediaPlayerPlaybackController
    _player.playbackController =;
// 3. play video
    SJVideoPlayerURLAsset *asset = [SJVideoPlayerURLAsset.alloc initWithURL:SourceURL0];
    _player.URLAsset = asset;
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