General purpose library for cosmos-sdk
Our goal is to create a general purpose library for the Cosmos ecosystem. Through this library, blockchains that use cosmos-sdk, as well as Cosmos hub (Gaia), can create their own API for JavaScript client side.
Documentation can be found here.
npm install --save @chainapsis/cosmosjs
More examples will be provided here soon.
import { GaiaApi } from "../src/gaia/api";
import { LedgerWalletProvider } from "../src/core/ledgerWallet";
import { MsgSend } from "../src/x/bank";
import { AccAddress } from "../src/common/address";
import { Coin } from "../src/common/coin";
import { Int } from "../src/common/int";
import bigInteger from "big-integer";
(async () => {
// Here you can see the type of transport
const wallet = new LedgerWalletProvider("HID", "cosmos");
// You should not use local wallet provider in production
const wallet = new LocalWalletProvider(
"anger river nuclear pig enlist fish demand dress library obtain concert nasty wolf episode ring bargain rely off vibrant iron cram witness extra enforce"
const api = new GaiaApi({
chainId: "cosmoshub-3",
walletProvider: wallet,
rpc: "http://localhost:26657",
rest: "http://localhost:1317"
// You should sign in before using your wallet
await api.enable();
const key = (await api.getKeys())[0];
const accAddress = new AccAddress(key.address, "cosmos");
await api.sendMsgs(
new MsgSend(accAddress, accAddress, [new Coin("uatom", new Int("1"))]),
new MsgSend(accAddress, accAddress, [new Coin("uatom", new Int("1"))])
// If account number or sequence is omitted, they are calculated automatically
gas: bigInteger(60000),
memo: "test",
fee: new Coin("uatom", new Int("111"))
Below is Gaia's basic sending message. More examples are here.
import { Amino, Type } from "ts-amino";
const { Field, Concrete, DefineStruct } = Amino;
import { Msg } from "../../core/tx";
import { AccAddress } from "../../common/address";
import { Coin } from "../../common/coin";
import { Int } from "../../common/int";
export class MsgSend extends Msg {
@Field.Defined(0, {
jsonName: "from_address"
public fromAddress: AccAddress;
@Field.Defined(1, {
jsonName: "to_address"
public toAddress: AccAddress;
{ type: Type.Defined },
jsonName: "amount"
public amount: Coin[];
constructor(fromAddress: AccAddress, toAddress: AccAddress, amount: Coin[]) {
this.fromAddress = fromAddress;
this.toAddress = toAddress;
this.amount = amount;
public getSigners(): AccAddress[] {
return [this.fromAddress];
* ValidateBasic does a simple validation check that
* doesn't require access to any other information.
* You can throw error in this when msg is invalid.
public validateBasic(): void {
for (const coin of this.amount) {
if (coin.amount.lte(new Int(0))) {
throw new Error("Send amount is invalid");
* Get the canonical byte representation of the Msg.
* @return Return sorted by alphabetically amino encoded json by default.
// public getSignBytes(): Uint8Array {
// return Buffer.from(sortJSON(marshalJson(this)), "utf8");
// }
Check out this.
npm run test
👤 chainapsis
- Twitter: @Chainapsis
- Github: chainapsis