This utility is designed to convert Apple PList files to xml, json and yaml. I/O can be to and from regular files or stdin and stdout.
Unlike Apple's plutil, ppl can output data fields in json. Also, ppl outputs yaml.
$ ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-j] [-y] [-p] [-x] [-o OFILE] [IFILE]
Converts plists to xml, yaml and json.
positional arguments:
IFILE the file to convert (default: stdin)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-j, --json output in json format
-y, --yaml output in yaml format
-p, --pprint output in Python's pprint format
-x, --xml output as plist xml (default)
-o OFILE, --out OFILE
the file to write the result to (default: stdout)
For example, if I wanted to view detailed info about my laptop's battery:
$ ioreg -arc "AppleSmartBattery" | ./ -y
- AdapterInfo: 0
Amperage: -1602
AvgTimeToEmpty: 297
AvgTimeToFull: 65535
BatteryInstalled: true
BatteryInvalidWakeSeconds: 30
BootPathUpdated: 1447099812
- 4246
- 4245
- 4245
- 0
CurrentCapacity: 7922
CycleCount: 75
DesignCapacity: 8440
DesignCycleCount9C: 1000
DeviceName: bq20z451
ExternalChargeCapable: false
ExternalConnected: false
FirmwareSerialNumber: 1
FullPathUpdated: 1447390164
FullyCharged: true
IOGeneralInterest: IOCommand is not serializable
IOObjectClass: AppleSmartBattery
IOObjectRetainCount: 6
IORegistryEntryID: 1234567890
IORegistryEntryName: AppleSmartBattery
IOServiceBusyState: 0
IOServiceBusyTime: 20399
IOServiceState: 30
InstantAmperage: 63814
InstantTimeToEmpty: 65535
IsCharging: false
Amperage: -1602
Capacity: 8255
Current: 7922
Cycle Count: 75
Flags: 4
Voltage: 12735
Location: 0
ManufactureDate: 17658
Manufacturer: SMP
ManufacturerData: "\0\0\0\0\a\x02\0\x01\x12\x06\0\0\x03J45\x03003\x03ATL\x02\x15\0"
MaxCapacity: 8255
MaxErr: 1
OperationStatus: 58435
PackReserve: 200
PermanentFailureStatus: 0
PostChargeWaitSeconds: 120
PostDischargeWaitSeconds: 120
Temperature: 3020
TimeRemaining: 297
UserVisiblePathUpdated: 1447390464
Voltage: 12735