You can install my repository by:
Adding as a source in Kodi and then install the repository zip.
- Open Kodi
- Select Settings
- Select File Manager
- Select Add Source
- Select None
- Type the following
and select Done - Highlight the box underneath Enter a name for this media source, type cguZZman's repo or the name you want and select OK
- Go back to your Home Screen and select Add-ons (from the left hand menu)
- Select Add-on Browser (box icon top left)
- Select Install from zip file
- Select cguZZman's repo
- Download the repository version accordingly with your Kodi version:
- If you are using Kodi 19 (matrix), select
- If you are using Kodi 17 or 18, select
- Wait for Add-on enabled notification
Or you can directly download the zip from here:
- Kodi 20 (nexus):
- Kodi 19 (matrix):
- Kodi 17 or 18:
- and then install it manually.