A Learning to Rank Library. Copied from: http://people.cs.umass.edu/~vdang/ranklib.html as version of 2.1
To build it from source, simply run :
mvn install assembly:single
This fork (ranklib is not publicly versioned) aim at offering the following improvements :
- Use of maven for build the JAR file.
- Create some unit tests (The lib contains some "//FIXME: not sure if this implementation is correct!" or "//FIXME: THIS IS VERY INEFFICIENT" comments) when in doubt on some functionalities we needed (few actually, mostly metrics).
- Add a new metric for binary testing when ranking follows a "winner-takes-all" strategy (percentage of first ranked item is found). (P@1 is bogus for the special case of an item ranked 2 and all other ranked 1).
This fork adresses the aforementioned shortcomings but does not aim at providing a clean room implementation of RankLib, which could be best adressed by recoding from scratch.
Licence follows original BSD.
Julien Subercaze [email protected] Christophe Gravier [email protected]