Simple shell that I created to help me debugging file contents during app development.
This code have been barely tested and you should not use it if you care about the content of your SD cards.
You must have SdFat library installed :
- single volume
- wildcards supported on rm and cp src
- relatives path supported on all commands : yes should be able to cd /d1/d2/d3 and cp ../* ../../../d4 - With a bit of luck, it could work !
Listing directory
List current path
Changing directory
cd path
Creating a directory
mkdir path
intermediate directories will not be created
Removing a directory
rmdir path
path must be empty, rmdir is NOT recursive
Renaming a file
mv filename new_filename
Deleting a file
rm filename
wildcards are allowed, you'll be warned before execution
Copying file
cp src dest
src can use wildcards
if using wildcards dest MUST BE a directory
destination files will be overwritten without warning
Creating empty file
touch filename
Dumping hex content
dump filename
Display HEX and ASCII file's content with a 8 cols layout
Viewing text file
cat filename
Xmodem communication is not supported under Arduino IDE serial monitor, you must use a standalone terminal application. Only the most minimal and simplistic version of the protocol is supported. Which means :
- 128 bytes buffer
- 8 bits checksum
To initiate a file transfert two commands are at your disposal
recv filename
send filename
Once the command have been issued you must close your terminal session (ctrl/c with tycmd monitor, ctrl/a k for screen, and so on)
Then launch the sx or rx command like
rx filename > /dev/mydevice < /dev/mydevice
sx filename > /dev/mydevice < /dev/mydevice
Once the transfert is done, you can relaunch the terminal session, if everything went right the shell will be responsive.
Copy the .c, .cpp and .h files in your project's directory.
#include "volume_explorer.h"
VolumeExplorer explorer(&Serial);
void setup() {
void loop() {
- Issuing a ctrl/q will stop volume explorer to consumme data from Serial (or any Stream)
- Some #defines in volume_explorer.h can be useful to disable XMODEM or the use of ANSI codes (for terminal cursor back pos)
- This code has only been "tested" on Teensy 3.6, code size might not fit on platforms where Flash & Ram are too much limited
- There's no strings size checks, default path is 256 long, be careful.
- Under Arduino / TeensyDuino IDE serial monitor set the line ending setting to "carriage return"
- Should work with any terminal app (tested with iTerm2 + tycmd monitor - also tested with screen) - I did not tried with Linux but there's not reason it would not work.
- Xmodem does not handle any kind of timeouts, the library is intended to be used over USB which is fast enough
This library uses tiny regexp from
vintage shells are so cool ;-) enjoy !