The project is abandoned and archived.
Use as a reference point only.
The aim of this project is the conversion of the new Roundcube Webmail Skin 'Larry' into a theme for ISPConfig
- ISPC-larry is a direct derivate of Roundcube Webmail Skin 'Larry' by FLINT / Büro für Gestaltung, Bern, Switzerland /
- ISPC-larry is using structures, elements and code from the ISPConfig default-theme created by Martin Henne ( which is based on:
- Templates:
- Web-Forms:
- Icons: and
- Know-How:
- ISPC-larry-specific resources:
- Icons: Entypo
- HTML5 (since v0.0.1) + HTML5-compatibility in IE7 + IE8
- Deployment via ISPC repository feature (planned)
- Look and feel of "Roundcube larry" in desktop browsers
- Responsive design OR native iPhone support as web-app (planned)
- (v0.1) Tested only in Firefox (newest Version, currently 11.0)
- (v0.1 - TBD) non "responsive" design -> not suitable for different platforms like smartphones or tablets
- (all versions) no IE6 support,
- Theme files: Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)
- Code: [BSD License] (