Source of the original data:
Original description:
(Copies of the important files have been put into this main directory to fulfill the submission requirement)
Unzip the source ( into a folder on your local drive, for example C:\Users\yourname\Documents\R\
Put run_analysis.R into C:\Users\yourname\Documents\R\UCI HAR Dataset\
In R Console: setwd("C:\Users\yourname\Documents\R\UCI HAR Dataset\"), followed by: source("run_analysis.R")
Use data <- read.table("dataset_with_avg_var") to read the data.
The attached R script (run_analysis.R) performs the following clean up and new data set:
Merges the training and test sets (train/X_train.txt and test/X_test.txt) and create one data set, i.e cleaned_merge_data.txt
Reads features.txt and extracts only the measurements on the mean and standard deviation for each measurement
Reads activity_labels.txt and applies descriptive activity names to name the activities in the data set
The script also appropriately labels the data set with descriptive names
Lastly, the script creates a 2nd, independent tidy data set with the average of each measurement for each activity and each subject