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HTTP Status Code Responses

Chris Phillips edited this page Jun 28, 2024 · 3 revisions

There will be times where you want your API to return non-default HTTP status codes (e.g. 404). Relaxation gives you a simple way to make this happen while still allowing the code in your services and controllers to be reusable. If you throw certain ErrorCode(s), you will get specific HTTP status codes as the response.


Throw (,
	errorCode = "NotAuthorized",
	message = "Current user is not allowed to delete widgets"
	type = "acme.NotAllowed"

// returns '403 Forbidden'

Below are the ErrorCode(s) and the HTTP status codes they will return.

ErrorCode Status Code Status Text
ClientError 400 Bad Request
NotAuthorized 403 Forbidden
ResourceNotFound 404 Not Found
VerbNotFound 405 Method Not Allowed
ConflictError 409 Conflict
TooManyRequests 429 Too Many Requests
ServerError 500 Internal Server Error
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