TBot is a set of tools to implement trading bots for crypto currencies. The supported exchange is bittrex.
Trading strategies are implemented as Python modules. To use these trading strategies, there are 3 launchers:
- paper.py to do paper trading
- trade.py to do live trading
- replay.py to backtest
You can use paper.py or replay.py without any Bittrex account. Of
course for trade.py you need a Bittrex account. API keys need to be
stored in the bittrex.key
file, first line being the API_KEY and
second line being the API_SECRET.
There are automatic and assisted startegies. Assisted strategies follow trading plan for one trade and then exit. Automatic strategies continuously find entry positions and follow the trading plan each time a position has been taken.
Here is the list of existing automatic strategies:
- auto_bb_tp: trade ranges according to Bollinger Bands.
- auto_bbrsi_tp: trade ranges according to Bollinger Bands and RSI with a trailing stop based on ATR.
- ripple: time based strategy.
Here is the list of existing assisted strategies:
- targets_tp: sell on targets.
- trailing_tp: sell with a trailing stop.
- cut_tp: sell between 2 levels.