Projen template for CDKTF Constructs that should also be used as Terraform Modules and for republishing Terraform Modules as Constructs.
projen-cdktf-hybrid-construct is in technical preview, which means it's a community supported project. It still requires extensive testing and polishing to mature into a HashiCorp officially supported project. Please file issues generously and detail your experience while using the library. We welcome your feedback.
By using the software in this repository, you acknowledge that:
- projen-cdktf-hybrid-construct is still in development, may change, and has not been released as a commercial product by HashiCorp and is not currently supported in any way by HashiCorp.
- projen-cdktf-hybrid-construct is provided on an "as-is" basis, and may include bugs, errors, or other issues.
- projen-cdktf-hybrid-construct is NOT INTENDED FOR PRODUCTION USE, use of the Software may result in unexpected results, loss of data, or other unexpected results, and HashiCorp disclaims any and all liability resulting from use of projen-cdktf-hybrid-construct.
- HashiCorp reserves all rights to make all decisions about the features, functionality and commercial release (or non-release) of projen-cdktf-hybrid-construct, at any time and without any obligation or liability whatsoever.
>= 0.20.0constructs
>= 10.3.0projen
>= 0.88.0
If you want to write a CDKTF construct and also publish it as a Terraform Module you can use the HybridModule
You can initialize such a project using npx projen new --from projen-cdktf-hybrid-construct hybrid-module
A configuration might look like this:
const { HybridModule } = require("projen-cdktf-hybrid-construct");
const project = new HybridModule({
// The name of the module & repository need to start with terraform-cdk-
name: "terraform-cdk-my-new-hybrid-construct",
author: "Daniel Schmidt",
authorAddress: "[email protected]",
// If enabled an example folder with terraform code will be created
terraformExamples: {
enabled: true,
folder: "terraform",
// The configuration to add to the example terraform file
providerConfig: `
terraform {
required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
version = "~> 3.74"
# Terraform binary version constraint
required_version = ">= 1.2.0"
provider "aws" {
region = "eu-central-1"
// If enabled a constructs example folder will be created
constructExamples: {
enabled: true,
folder: "construct-examples",
If you want to republish an existing Terraform module as a CDKTF construct or if you want to repackage them with an easier to use API you can use the TerraformModule
You can initialize such a project using npx projen new --from projen-cdktf-hybrid-construct terraform-module
A configutation might look like this:
const { TerraformModule } = require("projen-cdktf-hybrid-construct");
const project = new TerraformModule({
name: "my-module",
author: "Daniel Schmidt",
authorAddress: "[email protected]",
repositoryUrl: "",
terraformModules: [
name: "eks",
source: "terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws",
version: "~> 18.0",
name: "eks-managed-nodegroup",
source: "terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws//modules/eks-managed-node-group",
version: "~> 18.0",
We have a helper method for easy configuration, but there are still some manual steps required.
const {
} = require("projen-cdktf-hybrid-construct");
const project = new HybridModule({
// ... all the other options
name: "my-new-hybrid-construct",
namespace: "my-org",
registries: ["npm", "pypi", "nuget", "maven"],
- Sign in at the registry
- Select your repository and create the module
Please make sure your repository name starts with terraform-cdk-
- Create an account at
- Create an automation token on npm
- Create a GitHub Action Secret with the name
and the value of the token
- Create an account at
- Create an API token on pypi
- Create a GitHub Action Secret with the name
and the value__token__
and a second one with the nameTWINE_PASSWORD
and the value of the token - Set the
section in the options ofHybridModule
(or use the helper mentioned above)
const name = "name-of-my-hybrid-construct";
new HybridModule({
// ... other options
publishToPypi: {
distName: name,
module: name.replace(/-/g, "_"),
- Create a Sonatype account and repository
- Create GitHub Action Secrets to configure maven:
- Setup the
section in the options ofHybridModule
(or use the helper mentioned above)
const githubNamespace = "my-org";
const name = "name-of-my-hybrid-construct";
new HybridModule({
// ... other options
publishToMaven: {
javaPackage: name.replace(/-/g, "_"),
mavenGroupId: `com.${githubNamespace}`,
mavenArtifactId: name,
- Create a NuGet account (you might need to create a Microsoft Account if you don't have one)
- Create API keys
- Create a GitHub Action Secret with the name
and the value of the token - Setup the
section in the options ofHybridModule
(or use the helper mentioned above)
const githubNamespace = "my-org";
const name = "name-of-my-hybrid-construct";
new HybridModule({
// ... other options
publishToNuget: {
dotNetNamespace: `MyOrg.NameOfMyHybridConstruct`,
packageId: `MyOrg.NameOfMyHybridConstruct`,
We have a helper method for easy configuration, no extra steps needed:
const {
} = require("projen-cdktf-hybrid-construct");
const project = new HybridModule({
// ... all the other options
name: "my-new-hybrid-construct",
namespace: "my-org",
registries: ["npm", "maven"], // pypi and nuget are not yet supported
We have a helper method for easy configuration, but there are also some manual steps required.
const {
} = require("projen-cdktf-hybrid-construct");
const project = new HybridModule({
// ... all the other options
name: "my-new-hybrid-construct",
namespace: "my-org",
registries: ["npm", "pypi", "nuget"], // maven is currently not supported, PRs welcome
artifactoryApiUrl: "",
artifactoryRepository: "my-repo", // needs to be the same across all registries, defaults to namespace so "my-org" in this case
You can find more information about publishing Terraform Modules to Artifactory here.
- Create a virtual npm registry
- Authenticate against artifactory to get a token
- Create a GitHub Action Secret with the name
and the value of the token
- Create a local repository
- Create a GitHub Action Secret with the name
and the artifactory user name and a second one with the nameTWINE_PASSWORD
and the artifactory password