1.1.0 (2020-09-14)
Bug Fixes
'pathwar admin challenge-add' improve UX, sane default values, no slug duplicate allowed (ac5d79d )
'pathwar admin challenge-flavor-add' improve UX, sane default values, no slug duplicate allowed (0af826e )
add constraint to have maximum 1 seasonchallenge per season+flavor combos (775bd2b )
add more linters (8e6c5a2 )
added .vscode to gitignore file (7bc38f4 )
adjust validate form to comment not required (6943955 )
agent killing containers too early + support the new ChallengeInstance.IsNew status (8b6b1c4 )
api only create agent instances if it is registering for the first time (beaaadf )
comment unused component (b0a9a01 )
compose bundle path is now parsed as an absolute path and added an error file not found (12c168a )
do not save login activity on each user get session (e4976f3 )
do not use emails as usernames (c09eef0 )
get rid of 'pathwar admin challenge-instance-add' (84f2bbc )
hide sensitive fields in a user call (f59cccb )
lint warns (814b3cc )
merge api challenge subscription close into api challenge subscription validate call (b3b1e32 )
object cloning inside validate reducer routine next to buy (9997698 )
rename solo -> global + remove all challenges from migrations.go + add (82b36c7 )
switch lorem ipsum descript, remove visit page button (0f1b414 )
typo in captcha-luigi on-init (fdc371b )
typo in captcha-mario on-init file (6265177 )
typos in challenges' dockerfiles (c7e6493 )
updated forestadmin files (5a25639 )
use right param on post preferences to set active season, remove uneed tags is_latest and version from challenge card (674890e )
'pathwar admin activities' (561e619 )
'pathwar admin add-coupon' + 'pathwar admin coupons' + helpers to get id by slug and kind (f10937b )
'pathwar admin agents' (174149d )
'pathwar admin organizations' (56b864f )
'pathwar admin season-challenge-add' + automatically create instances on DefaultAgents when creating new flavors (3b344f6 )
'pathwar admin subscriptions' (22240b4 )
'pathwar admin teams' (b556ab3 )
add '--json' CLI opt (b076d3c )
add 'pathwar cli @me ' (7fe1471 )
add 'pathwar cli challenge-buy' (876512c )
add 'pathwar cli challenges' (90f942c )
add 'pathwar cli coupon-validate' (dee1cf9 )
add 'pathwar cli teams' (ca9d01f )
add 'pathwar compose prepare --json .' (4081cf9 )
add 'pathwar compose register --print' helper that generated command lines to run to register challenges on API (f5edea5 )
add activity support (4d5e834 )
add admin list users (1890876 )
add ascii-banners on long-running processes to help debugging (452c508 )
add ascii-tables for admin listing commands (b320dc9 )
add slugs (92451ec )
added activity for agent-update-state api call (2892953 )
added npm run start:local-api to start a front server connected to a local backend api (48e7ab0 )
admin list-all (bea59b7 )
admin search (1eff293 )
agent register activity (a3f79b3 )
automatically add new SeasonChallenge on testing seasons for added flavors (43ff957 )
automatically retry to connect to MySQL on startup if connection is not yet ready (f1a2acd )
Challenge View-Page & Modals (#564 ) (eb561fd )
ChallengeSubscriptionValidate activity (8a6a25f )
configure sentry (#534 ) (b3da2ca )
CouponValidate activity (53b1e67 )
create placeholder for missing admin tools + merged challenges with ps (c888589 )
create UserRegister activity (9ecdf29 )
implement cash logic on challenge purchase (9c3d06a )
implement cash logic on level validation (d73d6b6 )
insert chat button in home page and app/ (458458b )
let the agent update passpharses (c1bc314 )
push extra info about the user and current session to (a7ec35d )
refactor user CLI to support slugs, and have better defaults + usage (dec5aee )
reorganize challenges and use custom x-pathwar: attr in docker-compose.yml (be79b44 )
SeasonChallengeBuy activity (1877337 )
show pathwar's nginx container in 'pathwar compose ps' (fb46960 )
sort challenges by price + show price in user cli + update helloworld pricing to be first (98cb09a )
support challenge instances or flavors as parameter for 'pathwar admin redump' (6add5df )
support passing compose bundle file instead of bundle content (031d81a )
support updating existing challenge flavors if exist + add ChallengeFlavor.Body (18c97d6 )
support x-pathwar from docker-compose.yml (6382783 )
switch to go import path (110dd7a )
Top-level pages (Main Menu) (#561 ) (6fe6db0 )
update list of challenge flavor fields (277e414 )
UserDeleteAccount activity (d6a7fd8 )
UserLogin activity (8a7ece1 )
UserSetPreferences activity (42187a5 )
web: enable sentry (#534 ) (870866b )
You can’t perform that action at this time.