Node.js/Express app using Nodemailer to send emails, from static http POST
For example: fixing contact forms when generating a static wordpress site using WP2static plugin and WPServerless forms plugin
- GET / (root) results in "health ok"
- POST /send (configurable path) takes form parameters, encodes as JSON, sends email using handlebars template
- GET / (root) results in a fancy static contact form, that submits to /send
- POST /send (configurable path) takes form parameters, encodes as JSON, sends email using handlebars template
- debugRequests: true
- This would output debugging information for each request: headers, body pre and post middleware encoding (json, urlencode, multipart)
- stdout
- docker logs
- kubectl logs
- This would output debugging information for each request: headers, body pre and post middleware encoding (json, urlencode, multipart)
- resultPage:
- html returned on successful submission
- errorPage:
- html returned upon failure of any type (can't connect to smtp)
- mail: ->
- body: | #handlebars template, default json formats entire form submission (up to 2000 key:value pairs via multer (no files allowed), 100kb via x-www-form-urlencoded)
<p>Form submission</p>
<p>{{{json body}}}</p>
If you know exact form elements:
<p>Form submission</p>
Docker instructions:
docker build -t cdeadspine/nodemailer-contact-form .
docker run -p 49160:8080 -d cdeadspine/nodemailer-contact-form
docker ps
docker exec -it 748202bdf918 /bin/ash #notice the different shell in ALPINE
apk update
apk add vim
vim config.yml
docker restart 748202bdf918
.\powershellTest.ps1 -port 49160
#docker hub deployment (done by maintainer not end user)
docker images
#based on package.json:version
docker tag cdeadspine/nodemailer-contact-form:latest cdeadspine/nodemailer-contact-form:1.0.3
docker push cdeadspine/nodemailer-contact-form:1.0.3
docker push cdeadspine/nodemailer-contact-form:latest
docker run -it cdeadspine/nodemailer-contact-form /bin/ash
Helm instructions:
see ./helm/
helm uninstall nodemailer-test
helm install nodemailer-test ./helm/http-endpoint-nodemailer
kubectl get all
kubectl exec --stdin --tty pod/nodemailer-test-http-endpoint-nodemailer-55778c8675-zhfp2 -- /bin/ash
npm install
node ./app.js
node ./appWithTestPage.js
TODO testing security? cross domain / CORS requirements? reCaptcha? redirect after completion url, delay seconds? should the success/failure be separate static paths for caching purposes?