This is a CLI tool that creates temporary EC2 instances for local development work.
You need to have AWS credentials that are valid in ~/.aws/credentials
for this to work.
Usage of ./slipway/slipway_darwin64:
-ami string
AMI ID to use (default "ami-4e79ed36")
-count int
Number of instances to launch (default 1)
-duration float
Number of hours to allow the instance to run (default 8)
-security-group string
Security group to attach to the instance
-size string
Instance size (default "r4.large")
-ssh-key string
Path to your ssh public key (default "~/.ssh/")
-storage int
Size of the root file system in GB (default 16)
-subnet string
Subnet ID
Once the instance is launched you will be given the public IP of the instance. For the default Ubuntu the username is ubuntu
for ssh.
The provisioning script built into the instance takes some time to run. When the node is completely ready to use a file called node_ready
will be created at the root of the file system.
To build slipway just run make
in the slipway directory.
This is a lambda function that should be set up on a cron to handle terminating expired instances.
- Make the lambda function deploy with Serverless.
- Add a version const to slipway (ideally pull this out of a Makefile var).
- Maybe make cull_the_devs kill EIPs based on tags instead of their relationship with an instance.