- pytz
- markdown
Install dependencies and create new user
# apt-get install git python-virtualenv
# useradd -U -m embassy
Clone repo:
embassy:~$ git clone git://
a) On Ubuntu 10.04 virtualenv is too old. Do this and skip the next step:
embassy:~$ git clone git://
embassy:~$ python virtualenv/ django.env
b) Create virtualenv for django 1.4:
embassy:~$ virtualenv django.env
Activate the virtualenv and install requirements:
embassy:~$ . django.env/bin/activate
(django.env)embassy:~$ pip install -r embassyweb/requirements.txt
- Admins
- Database setup
- Secrets should be secret (SECRET and DOORSTATE_SECRET)
Create database and run development server:
(django.env)embassy:embassyweb$ python syncdb
(django.env)embassy:embassyweb$ python runserver
Check if everything works. Click links, be admin, create and view a blogpost. After that, get a coffee to assist you with the lighttpd configuration.
First, add the following line to
After adding that line, the development server will no longer work. Please don't ask why. But the fastcgi will work! (I hope) This setting is so secret that even the writers of django's "Django + Lighttpd + Fastcgi" howto don't know about it. Even the documentation about this config option (in addition to being unfindable) is wrong. You are a very lucky person to read this, because it will save you about a day of debugging.
Now you can create the lighttpd config (mostly the stuff from the django docs). Put the following into e.g. /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/43-embassy.conf: (TODO: static files müssen irgendwie richtiger gehandhabt werden)
$HTTP["host"] =~ "^$" {
fastcgi.server = (
"/embassyweb.fcgi" => (
"main" => (
#"host" => "",
#"port" => 50000,
"socket" => "/home/embassy/sock",
"check-local" => "disable",
#"broken-scriptfilename" => "enable",
"fix-root-path-name" => "enable",
alias.url = (
"/static/admin/" => "/home/embassy/django.env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/static/admin/",
"/static/" => "/home/embassy/embassyweb/static/",
#"/media/" => "/srv/data/http/",
url.rewrite-once = (
"^(/static/.*)" => "$1",
#"^(/media/.*)" => "$1",
"^(/.*)$" => "/embassyweb.fcgi$1",
Enable fastcgi and your config:
# lighttpd-enable-mod fastcgi
# lighttpd-enable-mod embassy
# invoke-rc.d lighttpd reload
Everything should work fine now. Remember to set DEBUG to False in You should also look into the traceback-by-email-thingie django has built in. (TODO)
- Maximale Zeilenlänge ist 80 Zeichen
- Python-Code wird mit Tabs eingerückt