The quadrics package allows construction of quadric surfaces from standard parameters or via fitting data and facilitates computation on these surfaces such as computing intersections.
- Construction of quadrics via parameters:
- TODO Ellipsoid
- TODO Spheroid
- TODO Sphere
- TODO Elliptic paraboloid
- TODO Circular paraboloid
- TODO Hyperbolic paraboloid
- TODO Elliptic hyperboloid (of one sheet)
- TODO Circular hyperboloid (of one sheet)
- TODO Elliptic hyperboloid (of two sheets)
- TODO Circular hyperboloid (of two sheets)
- TODO Elliptic cone
- TODO Circular cone
- TODO Elliptic cylinder
- TODO Circular cylinder
- TODO Hyperbolic cylinder
- TODO Parabolic cylinder
- Construction of quadrics via data fitting:
- TODO Ellipsoid
- TODO Spheroid
- TODO Sphere
- TODO Elliptic paraboloid
- TODO Circular paraboloid
- TODO Hyperbolic paraboloid
- TODO Elliptic hyperboloid (of one sheet)
- TODO Circular hyperboloid (of one sheet)
- TODO Elliptic hyperboloid (of two sheets)
- TODO Circular hyperboloid (of two sheets)
- TODO Elliptic cone
- TODO Circular cone
- TODO Elliptic cylinder
- TODO Circular cylinder
- TODO Hyperbolic cylinder
- TODO Parabolic cylinder
- TODO Intersection of quadric with line.
- TODO Intersection of quadric with plane.
- TODO Intersection of quadric with another quadric.
The quadrics module was written by Michael R. Shannon (@mrshannon) <[email protected]> in 2017.
It is maintained by:
- Michael R. Shannon (@mrshannon) <[email protected]> 2017-