Automatically parses, anonymizes, and exports a DICOM file from one or more .e2e files.
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Copy the following E2eFileInterpreter binaries directory to a directory on the Windows system to avoid Windows and Linux path conflicts.
- Copy the following E2eToDicomWorkerService Windows Service binaries directory to a directory on the Windows system to avoid Windows and Linux path conflicts.
- Configure the E2eFileInterpreter program using the config file in the E2eFileInterpreter binaries directory.
- Configure the E2eToDicomWorkerService Windows Service using the config file in the E2eFileInterpreter Windows Service binaries directory.
- Install the E2eToDicomWorkerService Windows Service by running the standard Windows Service Installer using the command:
sc create <ServiceName> BinPath=C:\path\to\win-x64\E2eToDicomWorkerService.exe
- Start the Service:
sc start <ServiceName>
- Stop the Service:
sc stop <ServiceName>
- Delete Service:
sc delete <ServiceName>
The data folder specified in the configuration file for the E2eFileInterpreter Windows Service must contain only .e2e files.