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What is ckanext-jsonschema

This plugin provide a quite extensive set of functionalities to introduce jsonschema based metadata types into CKAN (>=2.8) metadata.

It also provide an User Interface (UI) based on the json-editor library to properly edit and validate complex json fields. The UI can also be customized in terms of components and autocompletion capabilities via javascript modules.

Provide an iso19139 implementation and a simplified profile and several types already implemented.

Provide several extension points to introduce new dataset and resource formats in other (json based) formats (f.e. STAC).

How it works

Leveraging on the extra fields capabilities of CKAN, the jsonschema plugin is defining three extra predefined and fixed custom fields.

These will be used extensively to add json and jsonschema capabilities to CKAN.

The goal is to simplify the way a metadata mapping is performed in CKAN.

These fields could be attached to the dataset, resource or view objects of CKAN.

Basic functionalities :

Registry :

This functionality drives the behaviours of jsonschema plugin. Each plugin can define its own registry to define its own types with configurations.

In case you need more details please reference the Registry section in development documentation

Validator :

This functionality of jsonschema plugin makes it possible to dynamically validate user inputs.

In case you need more details please reference the Validator section in development documentation

View Configurations :

This functionality allows each plugin to have multiple view types.

In case you need more details please reference the View Configurations section in development documentation


Json addition is just a way to store JSON's in CKAN providing an interface and a validation. On top of these feature jsonschema implements some additional functionalities:


Jsonschema creates an extraction flow from JSON to CKAN or reverse

In case you need more details please reference the Extractor section in development documentation


This functionality can be used to import metadata from an external repository, it can be in any supported format (f.e. from geonetwork).

In case you need more details please reference the Importer section in development documentation


This functionality can be used to export a metadata in CKAN to a standart XML.

In case you need more details please reference the Exporter section in development documentation


This functionality provides an interface to duplicate an existing metadata.

In case you need more details please reference the Cloner section in development documentation



This functionality allows a change in a CKAN object to be reflected into another object that is configured on it.

In case you need more details please reference the Resolver section in development documentation


This functionality allows users to compose views into a big collection.

In case you need more details please reference the Wrapper section in development documentation


From the jsonschema perspective, the view is the representation of the metadata. Each change in the metadata may be reflected into every view configured on it.

For example, changing the title or the description of the metadata, could cause a change in the appearance of the view.

Installation and Administration

The jsonschema plugin comes with several plugins. To add their functionalities, these must be configured in the ckan.plugins property.

The plugin which depend on jsonschema can be of two types; they can implement metadata (and resource) functionalities or view functionalities.

Plugins overview

Plugin Version Type Functionalities
jsonschema Released core This is the main plugin. It implements several actions related to jsonschema metadata, blueprints and Jinja helpers. It also implements the custom jsonschema indexing for SOLR. This plugin needs to be configured to use any of the following
jsonschema_iso Released metadata Adds support for the iso metadata format and for different custom resources
jsonschema_stac Alpha metadata Adds support for the stac metadata format and for the stac-asset resource
jsonschema_dataset Released metadata Needed to integrate the jsonschema functionalities with the dataset metadata. It also adds the JSON custom resource
jsonschema_frictionless Alpha metadata Adds support for Tabular Data custom resource
harvester_iso19139 Alpha metadata Harvester for iso19139 from GeoNetwork using CSW. Superseded by the importer



Add the following entry to the SOLR schema.xml:

    <!-- A general unstemmed text field - good if one does not know the language of the field -->
    <fieldType name="caseInsensitive" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
        <analyzer type="index">
            <tokenizer class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory"/>
            <filter class="solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory" generateWordParts="1" generateNumberParts="1" catenateWords="1" catenateNumbers="1" catenateAll="0" splitOnCaseChange="0"/>
            <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
        <analyzer type="query">
            <tokenizer class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory"/>
            <filter class="solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory" generateWordParts="1" generateNumberParts="1" catenateWords="0" catenateNumbers="0" catenateAll="0" splitOnCaseChange="0"/>
            <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
<field name="res_ids" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/>
<field name="res_jsonschemas" type="text" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/>
<field name="res_jsonschema_types" type="caseInsensitive" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/>
<field name="view_ids" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/>
<field name="view_types" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/>
<field name="view_jsonschema_types" type="caseInsensitive" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true" />
<field name="view_jsonschemas" type="text" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true" />

The res_format field of ckan should be changed as below

<field name="res_format" type="caseInsensitive" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/>

Optionally (will only work with the terriajs plugin)

<field name="bbox_area" type="float" indexed="true" stored="true" />
<field name="maxx" type="float" indexed="true" stored="true" />
<field name="maxy" type="float" indexed="true" stored="true" />
<field name="minx" type="float" indexed="true" stored="true" />
<field name="miny" type="float" indexed="true" stored="true" />

Tomcat9 solr:

Due to relaxedQueryPath limits ( we need to properly setup the connector: nano /etc/tomcat9/server.xml

Setup the connector as following:

<Connector port="8983" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
               redirectPort="8443" relaxedQueryChars="&quot;&lt;&gt;[\]^`{|}"

see also:


Related plugins

Plugin Version Type Functionalities Ref
terriajs Released view
jsonschema_dashboard Released metadata
jsonschema_dashboard_view Released view


Using CKAN's REST API to Manage Data

This guide will walk you through using CKAN's REST API to perform essential data management tasks such as creating packages, resources, and views.

Create a Package

To create a package using CKAN's REST API, you can use the following Python code as a starting point:

import requests

# Define your CKAN API URL and API key
api_url = "https://{CKAN_URL}/api/action/package_create"
api_key = "your-api-key"

# Data for creating a new package
data = {
    "name": "my-new-package",
    "title": "My New Package",
    "author": "Your Name",
    # Add more metadata fields as needed

headers = {
    "Authorization": api_key,
    "Content-Type": "application/json",

response =, json=data, headers=headers)

Create a Resource

# Define your CKAN API URL and API key
api_url = "https://{CKAN_URL}/api/action/resource_create"
api_key = "your-api-key"

# Data for creating a new resource
data = {
    "package_id": "your-package-id",
    "name": "my-new-resource",
    "url": "https://url-to-your-data-resource",
    "format": "CSV",
    # Add more metadata fields as needed

headers = {
    "Authorization": api_key,
    "Content-Type": "application/json",

response =, json=data, headers=headers)

Create a View

# Define your CKAN API URL and API key
api_url = "https://{CKAN_URL}/api/action/resource_view_create"
api_key = "your-api-key"

# Data for creating a new view
data = {
    "resource_id": "your-resource-id",
    "title": "My Data View",
    "view_type": "recline_view",
    # Add more view configuration as needed

headers = {
    "Authorization": api_key,
    "Content-Type": "application/json",

response =, json=data, headers=headers)

View Search


This api will try to return and match all the jsonschema based VIEWS indexed into solr

It will only query for Public metadata

Request type:


Mandatory params:

Param Type Note Example
view_type String the plugin name which manage the view. currently only jsonschema_dashboard_view, terriajs

Acceptable params:

Param Type Note Example
query String Full-text search through all the text fields
view_id String
package_desc String
package_name String
package_title String
resource_desc String "my description"
resource_name String
resource_format String Filter resources by format (wms, csv, json etc.)
tags String or Array List of dataset tags to search for (food farm rice)
organization_name String or Array List of organizations to search for
join_condition String [OR AND default is AND]
schema_type String the schema used for the view body it should match with the schema key of the registry, see below
page_size Number Default is 100. There's an hard limit to 1000 packages (which can generate a huge list of views, several for each package) it can be reduced using this parameter 99
offset int Specifies an offset (by default, 0) into the responses at which Solr should begin displaying content. 0


When passing multiple values to a parameter, you need to have the following in mind:

  • Organizations: Each Dataset in CKAN can belong to at most one organization. Because of that, if the user wants to search through multiple organizations, the OR condition should be used:

    organization_name: (org1 OR org2)

    Single selection:

    http://{CKAN_URL}/api/action/jsonschema_view_search?package_name=* water *&organization_name=wapor

    Multiple selection:

    http://{CKAN_URL}/api/action/jsonschema_view_search?package_name=%20water%20&organization_name=(wapor OR wapor-3)

    If you pass AND instead of OR in the organization parameter, you won't get any results, since there is no dataset that belongs to two Organizations at the same time

  • Tags: Each Dataset in CKAN can have 0 or many tags. Because of that, if the user wants to search through multiple tags, the OR or AND condition can be used:

    tags: (tag1 AND tag2 OR tag3)

    Single selection:

    http://{CKAN_URL}/api/action/jsonschema_view_search?package_name=* water *&tags=wapor

    Multiple selection:

    http://{CKAN_URL}/api/action/jsonschema_view_search?package_name=* water *&tags=(wapor OR wapor-3 AND air)

    NOTE: When sending the API request programmatically make sure to add escape characters appropriately

    Example: http://{CKAN_URL}/api/action/jsonschema_view_search?package_name=%20water%20&tags=(wapor OR wapor-3 AND air)

  • Searching through both Organizations and Tags: When passing multiple parameters to the API, it is important to pass the join_condition parameter, if not passed the default one (AND) is going to be used

    Single selection:

    http://{CKAN_URL}/api/action/jsonschema_view_search?package_name=* water *&tags=wapor&organization_name=wapor

    Multiple selection:

    http://{CKAN_URL}/api/action/jsonschema_view_search?package_name=* water *&tags=(wapor OR wapor-3 AND air)&organization_name=(wapor OR wapor-3)

    NOTE: When sending the API request programmatically make sure to add escape characters appropriately

    Example: http://{CKAN_URL}/api/action/jsonschema_view_search?package_name=%20water%20&tags=(wapor OR wapor-3 AND air)


Param Type Note Example
package String Package metadata information: id, name, title, description, license_id/license_title, tags, author, maintainer, creator_user_id
organization String Organization metadata: id, name, title, description
package_id String ID of the package
resource_id String ID of the resource
view_id String ID of the view
metadata_link String (url) WEB page url
packages list of dictized datasets Package metadata information: id, name, title, description, license_id/license_title, tags, author, maintainer, creator_user_id
package_count int Number of returned packages (datasets), can be page_size or the total number of found datasets if less then 100
offset int offset parameter of the API call
total_package_count int total number of packages (datasets) found in SOLR
view_count int total number of views in the returned package_count datasets
As mentioned above the packages key, returnes a list of dictized datasets. Each of them contains the following keys:
Param Type Note Example
-- -- -- --
id String Unique identifier of the dataset
name String Name of the dataset - Unique identifier of the dataset
title String Title of the dataset
notes String Description of the dataset
type String Type of the dataset (dataset or iso)
url String (url) URL pointing to the dataset
private String visibility of the Dataset (ture/false)
isopen String Legacy - openness of the dataset according to licence [NOT USED]
state String State of the resource (active/deleted)
num_tags int Number of tags per Dataset
tags list of tag dictionaries The dataset�s tags
license_title String Title of the License associated with the dataset
license_id String Unique identifier of the License associated with the dataset
num_resources int Total number of resources per Dataset
extras list of extra dictionaries The dataset�s extra metadata (not included in the default CKAN metadata model)
owner_org String unique identifer of the owner organization
organization dictionary The owner organization metadata
groups list of resources dictionaries The groups to which the dataset belongs
num_resources_view int Number of views per Dataset satisfyling the search criteria
views list of resources dictionaries Resources metadata per view
maintainer String Maintainer of the Dataset
maintainer_email String Maintainers email address
author String Author of the Dataset
author_email String Author email address
creator_user_id String Unique identifier of the user that created the dataset
metadata_created Date Date when the dataset was created
metadata_modified Date Date when the dataset was last modified
relationships_as_object list of relationship dictionaries Relationship between two datasets (packages) [NOT USED]
relationships_as_subject list of relationship dictionaries Relationship between two datasets (packages) [NOT USED]
revision_id list of resources dictionaries Unique identifier of the dataset
jsonschema_body String (Json) Resolved view body {"key":"value"}
jsonschema_type String may match the schema used from the registry, see below wms
jsonschema_opt String (Json) meta-metadata optional informations, should never be exposed but can ship some hints
Views key contains a list of dictized resources that satisfy the view_type search criteria. Each of them has the following keys:
Param Type Note Example
-- -- -- --
id String Unique identifier of the resource
name String Name of the resource
size int Size of the resource file
state String State of the resource (active/deleted)
description String Description of the resource
format String Format of the resource
url String (url) URL pointing to the resource
views List of terriajs views per resource
view_type String may match the type parameter terriajs
jsonschema_body String (Json) Resolved view body {"key":"value"}
jsonschema_type String may match the schema used from the registry, see below wms
jsonschema_opt String (Json) meta-metadata optional informations, should never be exposed but can ship some hints
Each view object contains the following metadata fields:
Param Type Note Example
-- -- -- --
view_id String Unique identifier of the resource
view_type String may match the type parameter terriajs
jsonschema_body String (Json) Resolved view body {"key":"value"}
jsonschema_type String may match the schema used from the registry, see below wms
jsonschema_opt String (Json) meta-metadata optional informations, should never be exposed but can ship some hints

Organization key is a list of key/value pair details for the owner_organization.

Param Type Note Example
id String Unique identifier of the organization
name String Name of the organization - Unique identifier of the organization
title String Title of the organization
description String Description of the organization


  • In case of spaces values please quote the string with "value with spaces"

  • In case of full you could try to use star notation but it's not guarantee a full text search (f.e.: "*value with *")

View List


This api will try to return all the jsonschema based VIEWS indexed into solr from a specific package

It will only query for Public metadata

Request type:


Mandatory params:

Param Type Note Example
package_id String The ID or the Name of the package


Param Type Note Example
package_id String ID of the package
resource_id String ID of the resource
view_id String ID of the view
metadata_link String (url) WEB page url
resource_link String (url) WEB page url
jsonschema_body_link String (url) REST API
view_type String may match the type parameter terriajs
jsonschema_body String (Json) Resolved view body {"key":"value"}
jsonschema_type String may match the schema used from the registry, see below wms
jsonschema_opt String (Json) meta-metadata optional informations, should never be exposed but can ship some hints


  • In case of spaces values please quote the string with "value with spaces"
  • In case of full you could try to use star notation but it's not guarantee a full text search (f.e.: "*value with *")

Jsonschema Reload

Reload jsonschema after a change has been made to make effect come out.


Geospatial search:

Yes we have also bbox indices fetched directly from wms services... (provided by terriajs view plugin) but we are still not able to use the BBOX parameters which are in solr. TODO we planned to change the solr bbox index leveraging on solr > 4.x

Body, Type, Opt

These are GET and sideffect free calls which can be used to inspect the content of the fields controlled by the


Clone (webpage)


Importer (webpage)


Validate (webpage)



Returns all the available (registered) jsonschema types


Request type:


Schema, template and javascript modules

For each registry entry you may want to retrieve the schema, the template or the javascript modules


The javascript module is loaded into the interface and can be used to provide autocompletion for a specific jsonschema_type and for several othe extensions point (ref to the json-editor library for a list)

The template is used to populate an empty type when it is created

The schema is the jsonschema definition of the associated type

Request type:


View specific params

When you have a view based on the jsonschema plugin you may (it depends on the specific implementation) have some additional arguments available:


To understand the following optional parameter we may describe the concept of item and the resolution:


wrap=true is a simple way to ask to the implementing plugin to return a config (potentially dynamically generated) starting from an item.

In case you need more details please reference the Additional Functionalities section

So if your view is defining an item and the url is the following:


To obtain a config to pass to your application viewer you may pass:


Which may wrap the view (body) of the item you are referring to into a fake or dynamically generated config that your application will recognize as valid.

Obviously all of the above is totally optional if the implementing plugin and the viewer do not need to group items.

This is instead largely used by the terriajs and the Dashboard plugins.


resolve=true is a way to ask a change in a CKAN object to be reflected into another object that is configured on it. more details please reference the Additional Functionalities section

For example if a view jsonschema_body contains:

    "description": "{{package.notes or resource.description}}"

Using the resolve=true parameter the expected returned body will be:


    "name":"The name of the resource",
    "description": "The description of the package (or the one from the resource)"


To enforce the resolution of an already resolved view, use this parameter.

Acceptable params:

Param Type Note Example
wrap Boolean Is used to provide a default wrapping structure when the item is not the first resolve=False
resolve Boolean resolve=True
force_resolve Boolean force_resolve=True

Provided plugins:


Base plugin to enable extensions points provide basic jsonschema functionnalities


Extension to provide an iso19139 binding from iso19139 and the below simplified iso profile


Extension to provide a simplified but quite complex iso model

harvester_iso19139 (deprecated, ise importer)

An harvester from CSW to iso19139/iso requires harves plugin to be installed, also has a dedicate requirements file

Suggested configuration:

jsonschema jsonschema_iso19139 jsonschema_iso

Known issue:

The xml importer is encountering some runtime issue (due to xml format body) with the google analytics extension.


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