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Computer Science I

Lab 12.0 - Recursion

School of Computing
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
University of Nebraska-Omaha

Prior to Lab

  • Read and familiarize yourself with this handout.
  • Read the required chapters(s) of the textbook as outlined in the course schedule.

In addition, you may want to:

Peer Programming Pair-Up

For students in the online section: you may complete the lab on your own if you wish or you may team up with a partner of your choosing. You may consult with a lab instructor to get teamed up online (via Zoom).

For students in the face-to-face section: your lab instructor will team you up with a partner.

To encourage collaboration and a team environment, labs are be structured in a peer programming setup. At the start of each lab, you will be randomly paired up with another student (conflicts such as absences will be dealt with by the lab instructor). One of you will be designated the driver and the other the navigator.

The navigator will be responsible for reading the instructions and telling the driver what to do next. The driver will be in charge of the keyboard and workstation. Both driver and navigator are responsible for suggesting fixes and solutions together. Neither the navigator nor the driver is "in charge." Beyond your immediate pairing, you are encouraged to help and interact and with other pairs in the lab.

Each week you should alternate: if you were a driver last week, be a navigator next, etc. Resolve any issues (you were both drivers last week) within your pair. Ask the lab instructor to resolve issues only when you cannot come to a consensus.

Because of the peer programming setup of labs, it is absolutely essential that you complete any pre-lab activities and familiarize yourself with the handouts prior to coming to lab. Failure to do so will negatively impact your ability to collaborate and work with others which may mean that you will not be able to complete the lab.

Lab Objectives & Topics

At the end of this lab you should be familiar with the following

  • How to use recursion to solve a problem

  • Understanding the pitfalls of recursion

2. Background

In a programming language, recursion is a mechanism by which a function or method calls itself. Recursion can be a powerful tool in a programming language, lending itself to a divide-and-conquer strategy to problem solving using very simple code. However, there are draw backs as we have previously demonstrated. In general, a non-recursive solution is always possible and may be far more efficient when the proper data structures are used. In general, a recursive function should:

  1. Define a base case which does not call the function again, but provides a direct solution.

  2. Otherwise, recursively call itself on a smaller input that works toward the base case.

In this lab, you will use recursion to solve a couple of problems.

3. Activities

Clone the project code for this lab from GitHub using the following URL:

3.1 The Jacobsthal Function

The Jacobsthal sequence is very similar to the Fibonacci sequence in that it is defined by its two previous terms. The difference is that the second term is multiplied by two.

$$J_n = \left\lbrace\begin{array}{ll} 0 & \textrm{if } n = 0 \\ 1 & \textrm{if } n = 1 \\ J_{n-1} + 2J_{n-2} & \textrm{otherwise} \\ \end{array} \right.$$

Write a recursive function to compute the n-th Jacobsthal number. Since this sequence grows exponentially, you will quickly reach the limit of what a regular int variable can represent. To support larger values, your return type should be a long long (typically a 64-bit integer allowing you to represent values up to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807).
We have provided some starter code in the jacobsthal.c source file which reads in n as a command line argument and prints the result as well as an estimate on its execution time.

Complete the program by adding your recursive function and calling it as directed by the TODO comments. Test your program using the following examples and note the execution times for each.

  • J(0) = 0
  • J(2) = 1
  • J(4) = 5
  • J(8) = 85
  • J(16) = 21845
  • J(32) = 1431655765
  • J(64) = 6148914691236517205 (do not actually run this one)

3.2 Avoiding Redundancy

As you may have observed, the naive recursive Jacobsthal function you wrote is very inefficient. In fact, if you attempted to run it for n = 64 (the largest Jacobsthal value that will fit in a 64-bit signed integer) it would take several years to compute. This is because the function performs an exponential amount of redundant work. The same function is called on the same input billions of times.

One way of avoiding this redundancy is to not use recursion at all. In general, any recursive function can be written using normal loop control structures. An equivalent, non-recursive function that computes the Jacobsthal sequence has been provided in the jacobsthalMemoization.c program.

Another way of avoiding this redundancy is to use a technique called memoization which stores previously computed values so as not to compute them over and over. In general:

  • We still use recursion, but we also maintain a table of values

  • When we recurse, we check if the value has already been computed;

    • If it has been computed, we use the value and return it (and make no further recursive calls)

    • If it has not, then we "pay" for the recursion, but instead of immediately returning the computed value, we make sure to cache it by storing it in a table.

  • This usually requires us to setup a table as well as filling it with "base case" values and other special flag values so that we can determine if the value has been computed yet or not.

Adapt your naive recursive function to use memoization in the jacobsthalMemoization.c program. Test your program using n = 64 (the largest value representable by a 64-bit integer).

3.3 Solving a Problem Using Recursion

A palindrome is a string that is the same backward and forward: "rats live on no evil star" or single words such as "civic" or "deed" are palindromes. In this activity you will design and implement a recursive function that determines whether or not a given string is a palindrome. The recursive function should work as follows.

  • The function is given a string, a left index, and a right index.

  • If the string is "empty" (the left/right indices are the same or have "crossed" each other) then it is a palindrome.

  • If the characters at the left index and right index are not equal then we can stop, it is not a palindrome.

  • Otherwise, we need to check the substring not including the (equal) characters at the left/right indices.

For example, given the word "civic" we would check the first and last characters. Finding them the same, we would recursively call the function on the substring "ivi". However, with the proper function parameters, we don't create a new substring; we simply pass the relevant indices that define the substring.

We have provided starter code in the palindrome.c source file.
Complete the isPalindrome function as specified above. Test your program with several examples. Note that to provide a phrase with spaces as a command line argument you can use double quotes. For example:

./a.out "rats live on no evil star"

4. Handin/Grader Instructions

  1. Hand in your completed files:

    • jacobsthalMemoization.c
    • palindrome.c

    and verify it compiles and works through the grader.

  2. Even if you worked with a partner, you both should turn in all files.

Advanced Activity (Optional)

  1. Even using a long long variable type, the maximum value we could represent was not very large (~9 quintillion). For programs to represent larger numbers, we need to use a library that supports arbitrary precision arithmetic. For C, the de facto library for this is GNU's Multi Precision or gmp.

    Read a gmp tutorial and adapt your Jacobsthal program to use it so that it can compute arbitrarily large values in the sequence. To link with this library, use the following: gcc jacobsthalMemoization.c -lgmp


CSCE 155 Lab 12 in C






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