Simple brunch skeleton with no included frontend frameworks. Start a project with ES6 and Sass (scss) support like you've travelled to the future.
- Babel (babel-preset-airbnb)
- Sass (scss)
- Autoprefixer
- UglifyJS
To keep you sane and bug-free
- ESLint (eslint-config-airbnb)
- Scss lint
- Auto reload
- Install Node.js
- Configure supported browsers in
. This is used by Babel and Autoprefixer and is parsed by Browserslist - Run
npm install
All src files are located in the app
npm start
watches for file changes and automatically recompiles and reloads the web page. A local web server is started athttp://localhost:3333
npm build
creates a production build in thepublic
folder with minified css and js.
Make sure npm is added to PATH.
npm run start-windows
instead ofnpm start
npm run build-windows
instead ofnpm build
- Remove autoprefixer-brunch and replace with brunch-postcss when all issues are resolved brunch/brunch#1664
- Use specific version instead of commit hash for eslint-brunch when a new tag is created brunch/eslint-brunch#22
- Use .babelrc when .browserslistrc is working with babel-brunch and babel-preset-env (Possibly babel 7?)
- Use .browserslistrc for both Babel and Autoprefixer when postcss and babel todos are fixed.