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hapi Seed Project - MVC / RDMS

This project is an educational application skeleton for a typical hapi RESTful API. You can use it to quickly bootstrap your hapi API projects and be ready to start coding the core of your App within minutes.


  • ES6
  • MVC file structure + base classes (a'la Rails/Laravel/Django)
  • Relational Database support (via knex.js)
    • MySQL
    • PostgreSQL
    • SQLite3
    • Schema Migrations and Seeding
  • Pre-configured environments (dev, qa, staging, production)
  • Powerful payload validations via joi
  • Auto-generated documentation (lout)
  • Unit & API/REST tests examples (Jasmine2)
  • RESTful outputs
  • Improved Logging and Remote debugging
  • Healthcheck end-point
  • Gulp for workflows (ie. watch files changes and launch local server)
  • + all features and plugin's from hapi


Getting started

  1. Fork this repo (top right button) and clone it form your account (replace YOUR-USERNAME)
git clone
cd hapijs-seed-mvc
  1. Install the dependencies
npm install
  1. Create a Database. In case of PostgreSQL, go into your psql terminal and enter:
  1. Duplicate config/dev.js.default and rename it into config/dev.js. Then edit and enter your database settings (DB name goes into config/default.js).

  2. Migrate the database and seed it

npm run db:migrate
npm run db:seed
  1. Run the app
export NODE_ENV=dev    # only needed once per open terminal
npm start
  1. Go to: http://localhost:3000

Database Migration and Seed

Knex is taking care of migrating the DB schema and populating (seeding) the tables. The documentation is available here:


Knex will keep a history of your executed migrations and save them into the DB table knex_migrations.

You have to save the migrations in database/migrations/. It's recommended to prefix the files with an incrementing number or timestamp. Otherwise it might be hard to keep track of the order the DB changes were executed.

npm run db:migrate


You can rollback the last group of executed migrations:

npm run db:rollback


You can populate your DB tables by executing seed files through Knex. Seed files are saved in database/seeds/.

npm run db:seed


This project has to kind of tests: UnitTest and API Tests. For both Jasmine2 is being used. If you want to execute both kind of tests at the same time, you can run:

npm test


UnitTest's are stored within the folders of the implementation and contain .spec as part of their file name. For instance src/controllers/main.controller.js and src/controllers/main.controller.spec.js. This pattern makes it easier not to forget to write tests :)

You can execute them by running:

npm run test:unit

API Tests

API Tests are stored in /tests/api and are meant to test the RESTful end-points of your App.

In order to test the server responses you have to start the server in a new terminal/tab:

cd /path/to/your/project
export NODE_ENV=dev
npm start

Then execute your API Tests by running:

npm run test:api

API Documentation

The auto-generated API documentation is provided by lout and it's based on the configuration of every route (/routes).


Build ToDo API

  1. Extend the model class: ToDoList (src/models/ToDoList.js)
   * Constructor
  constructor() {
    let tableName = 'todo_lists'

    this.ToDo = new ToDo()  
  1. Extend the controller class: ToDoListsController src/controllers/todo_lists.controller.js
   * Constructor
  constructor() {
    let notFoundMsg = `ToDo List not found`

    this.ToDoList = new ToDoList()

   * Retrieve the list of all ToDo lists
  index(request, reply) {
      .catch((err) => reply(this.Boom.wrap(err)))

   * Retrieve a single ToDo list
  view(request, reply) {
    let id =

      .then((response) => this.replyOnResponse(response, reply))
      .catch((err) => reply(this.Boom.wrap(err)))
  1. Export index() and view() end-points in src/routes/todo_lists.routes.js
// Export public end-points
export default [
  1. Lets test it:
curl localhost:3000/todo-lists

curl localhost:3000/todo-lists/1
  1. Extend the controller class with create(), update() and remove(): ToDoListsController src/controllers/todo_lists.controller.js
   * Create a new ToDo list
  create(request, reply) {
    let data = request.payload
      .catch((err) => reply(this.Boom.wrap(err)))

   * Update an existing ToDo list
  update(request, reply) {
    let id =
      , data = request.payload

    this.ToDoList.update(id, data)
      .then((response) => this.replyOnResponse(response, reply))
      .catch((err) => reply(this.Boom.wrap(err)))

   * Delete a ToDo list
  remove(request, reply) {
    let id =

      .then((response) => this.replyOnResponse(response, reply))
      .catch((err) => reply(this.Boom.wrap(err)))
  1. Extend ToDo List routes class with create() and update(): src/routes/todo_lists.routes.js
   * Create a new ToDo list
   * @return {object}
  create() {
    // Get route settings from parent
    let route = super.create()

    // Update end-point description (used in Documentation)
    route.config.description = 'Create a new ToDo list'

    // Add validations for POST payload
    route.config.validate.payload = {
      name: this.joi.string().required().description('ToDo list name')

    return route

   * Update an existing ToDo list
   * @return {object}
  update() {
    // Get route settings from parent
    let route = super.update()

    // Update end-point description (used in Documentation)
    route.config.description = 'Update an existing ToDo list'

    // Add validations for POST payload
    route.config.validate.payload = {
      name: this.joi.string().description('ToDo list name')

    return route
  1. Export create(), update() and remove() end-points in src/routes/todo_lists.routes.js
// Export public end-points
export default [
  1. Lets test it:
curl localhost:3000/todo-lists

curl -X PUT localhost:3000/todo-lists/1 -d name=Homework

curl -X POST localhost:3000/todo-lists -d name=Uni\ Stuff  

curl -X DELETE localhost:3000/todo-lists/1
  1. Activate tests for ToDo Lists (*.spec.js files)

  2. Find out how to continue with ToDo's ;)


Remote debug setup

The configuration allows to setup the TCP debug port for node remote debug functionality (5858 by default). This should be overridden when multiple micro node.js services are running on a local machine in a typical dev environment setup.

Remote debug can be used the command line using node debug or with IDEs supporting this feature.

Go to Staging/Production

Deploy your App on a server and you can use forever to run it. forever is used to run your App continuously. It will automatically restart if it crashes.

[sudo] npm install forever -g
cd /path/to/your/project

export NODE_ENV=staging
forever start index.js


TL;DR :)


hapi Seed Project - Tutorial







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