Integrate FusionSolar into you Home Assistant.
The integration is able to work with Kiosk mode, or with an OpenAPI account, see below for more details.
This integration is part of the default HACS repositories, so can add it directly from HACS or add this repository as a custom repository in HACS.
When the integration is installed in HACS, you need to add it in Home Assistant: Settings → Devices & Services → Add Integration → Search for FusionSolar.
The configuration happens in the configuration flow when you add the integration.
FusionSolar has a kiosk mode. The kiosk is a dashboard that is accessible for everyone that has the url. The integration uses a JSON REST api that is also consumed by the kiosk.
The integration updates the data every 10 minutes.
In kiosk mode the "realtime" data is not really realtime, it is cached at FusionSolars end for 30 minutes.
If you need more accurate information you should use the OpenAPI mode.
You will need an OpenAPI account from Huawei for this to work. More information
The integration will expose the different devices (Residential inverter, String inverter, Battery, Dongle, ...) in your plant/station.
The devices that support realtime information (getDevRealKpi api call):
- String inverter
- Grid meter
- Residential inverter
- Battery
- Power Sensor
The exposed entities can be different per device. These are documented in the "Interface reference" that you can request from Huawei. But the names are pretty self-explanatory.
The realtime data is updated every minute per device group. As the API only allows 1 call per minute to each endpoint and the same endpoint is needed for each device group. So the more different devices you have the slower the update will be.
The integration updates the total yields (current day, current month, current year, lifetime) every 10 minutes.
- Login to the FusionSolar portal
- Select your plant in the overview (Home → List view → Click on your plant name)
- You will be redirect to the "Monitoring" page
- Click on the "Kiosk" button in the top right corner
- Enable the "Kiosk mode" in the popup if needed
- Copy the url from the browser
If you don't see the kiosk button, you are probably logged in with an installer account.
Active Power is the current power production in Watt (W) or kilo Watt (kW). The Energy dashboard expects a value in * kWh*. Your plant, inverter(s), batteries, ... expose a lot of entities, you can see them all: Settings → Devices & Integrations → Click on the "x devices" on the Fusion Solar Integration. Click on the device you want to see the entities for.
As I don't own an installation with all possible devices this integration is mostly based on the Northbound Interface Reference.
The entity names are based on the names in the interface reference.