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CloudFormation Template Deployment

cat-box edited this page Jan 9, 2021 · 12 revisions

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Download the CloudFormation template from this Dropbox Folder

In this section we will deploy the Foundry server in its entirety.

  1. If you haven’t already, log in to AWS.
  2. From the AWS homepage, search “CloudFormation” and then select the result.
    Cloud Formation
  3. From the CloudFormation dashboard locate the “Create Stack” button. Click it and select “With new resources (standard)”.
    Stack Resources
  4. On the next page use the options “Template is ready” and “Upload a template file”
  5. Choose the template file to upload then click “Next”.
  6. Fill in all the parameters for the stack details. Most of them have fairly detailed descriptions already, but I have provided clarification on some of the options in the Parameter Definitions section below.
  7. Click “Next”
  8. Click “Next” again.
  9. Scroll to the bottom of the page and check the box next to “I acknowledge that..”, then click “Create Stack”.
  10. Click the little refresh arrow like a madman and pray there are no failures.
  11. The server runs through a script, then does a reboot so give the deployment script a bit of time to run before proceeding. Wait at least 5-10 minutes past when the CloudFormation deployment finishes.
  12. Continue to Accessing Foundry

Parameter Definitions

I have separated the parameters by the domain registrar specific parameters. Base Configuration Parameters and SSL Configuration Parameters are universal and apply to ALL domain registars. Make sure you look under your domain registrar for additional information about the paramaters.

Base Configuration Parameters

Parameter Description
AdminUserName This script creates an admin user in your AWS account from which you should be using to manage your foundry deployment here on out. It is considered unsecure to always use the root account.
AdminUserPW This is the password for the admin account.
Make sure it is secure and at minimum, 8 characters in length.
FoundryDownloadLink This parameter needs to either be your Patreon download link, or a public Google Drive upload of the Linux installation files.
Instance Type This determines the resources allocated to your EC2 instance (vCPU and Memory). t2.micro is more than sufficient for strictly hosting Foundry. If you are in eu-north-1, choose t3.micro for free tier usage.
AMI Do not change this field. The default value should be /aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/amzn2-ami-hvm-x86_64-gp2.
This deployment uses the amazon linux 2 image and will not work with other images.

SSL Configuration Parameters

Parameter Description
FullyQualifiedDomainName This is the domain which you purchased from the domain registrar. Do not add https:// or www to this field.
For example, if you purchased the domain, just enter
SubdomainName This will determine the URL you type into the browser to access Foundry. This is NOT the full subdomain. Do not append the FullyQualifiedDomainName value to this field.
For example, if you would like the URL of the final link to be, just enter foundry
DomainRegistrar Choose the domain registrar from which you purchased your domain from
WebServerBool This determines whether or not the script configures your base domain to point to the ec2 instance's web server. This means you can host a basic website on the instance as well.
True: Enables the webserver, and requires 2 additional DNS records be created. See the DNS setup section for details.
False: Only configures the subdomain you chose to point to the EC2 instance, leaving the primary domain free for you to point to a different IP.

Amazon (Route53)

There are no Route53 specific parameters in this template.

Parameter Description
APIKey Leave this field blank
APISecret Leave this field blank


Parameter Description
APIKey This is the API Key retrieved from GoDaddy
APISecret This is the matching API Secret retrieved from GoDaddy


Parameter Description
APIKey This is the subdomain Username retrieved from Google
For example, this would be the Username for
APISecret This is the matching subdomain Password retrieved from Google
For example, this would be the Password for
GoogleAPIKey This is the domain Username retrieved from Google
For example, this would be the Username for
GoogleAPISecret This is the matching domain API Secret retrieved from Google
For example, this would be the Password for


Parameter Description
APIKey This is the domain name you purchased from NameCheap. It is the same as the value you entered for FullyQualifiedDomainName
APISecret This is the API Secret retrieved from NameCheap

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