This is the casarest package, the remainder of the AIPS++ libraries. It consists of the libraries:
- msvis
- calibration
- synthesis
- flagging
- simulators
- ionosphere
The program lwimager (part of synthesis) is the main deliverable.
The casarest source code is maintained on github.
You can obtain it using:
$ git clone
To compile casarest you need to meet the following requirements:
- cmake
- g++
- casacore (3.4 or later)
- boost
- wcslib
- cfitsio
- fortran
- hdf5 (optional)
On Debian / Ubuntu you can install these with:
$ sudo apt-get install cmake libcasacore2-dev libboost-dev wcslib-dev \
libcfitsio3-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev gfortran \
And the optional dependencies:
$ sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev
In the casacore source folder run:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
There are 4 components in the casarest package and you may not need all them. The four targets are: casa_components, casa_msvis, casa_calibration and casa_synthesis. You can make them individuallay by:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make <choice of target>
cmake -DCOMPONENT=<choice of target> -P cmake_install.cmake
Which will build and install only your choice of target.
If you run Ubuntuyou can use precompiled binary packages
If you have any issues compiling or using casacore, please open an issue on the issue tracker on github.