Docker for hector quadrotor gazebo, built following tutorial of darienmt.
Documentation for hector quadrotor available here.
Install docker.
Clone repository:
git clone
cd hector_quadrotor_docker
- Docker build (it will take some time):
sudo ./ build
Inside of docker:
cd /root/drone_racing_ws
source /root/drone_racing_ws/devel/setup.bash
In order to test the installation, use tmux to launch multiple instrunctions, in docker:
"ctrl-b" and then "ctrl-%" to double terminal, in first terminal:
roslaunch hector_quadrotor_demo outdoor_flight_gazebo.launch
"ctrl-b" and then arrows to change terminal, in second terminal:
rosservice call /enable_motors "enable: true"
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard
to move the drone with keyboard, instrunctions will appear in the terminal.
In order to start the docker
sudo ./
- RL obstacle avoidance in indoor environment
- Monocamera slam