You can sign up for a Unlimit account at
Install Postman 7.18+
Download and import collection file
Download and import environment file
Execute any section from Postman collection.
For more information about API v3 please visit documentation web-site
- constants ('UNLIMIT_API_URL', 'PAYMENTPAGE_TERMINAL_CODE' and so on) are Postman environment variables, defined for 'sandbox' environment.
- following variables are defined for collection scope (click 'Edit' button on 'unlimit-api' collection and see 'Pre-request Script' section):
- request_name — name of the test that is being executed, using for 'merchant_order.description' field value, in request's 'Body' section
- expiration — customer's card expiration date, using for 'card_account.card.expiration' field value, in gateway request 'Body' section. Format: mm/yyyy
- tokens — variable with 'obtain' function which is calling in order to get API authorization tokens
- other variables ('{{payment_id_to_complete}}', '{{payment_id_to_reverse}}', etc) are defined in 'Pre-request Script' and 'Tests' sections for particular request