###Starting point for Three JS App.
- In my personal work I had gotten used to a more modern work flow; a work flow using a component managers and build systems, and treated web development like building a desktop applications. I found working like this not only increased my productivity, but my overall enjoyment of the process as well. When I first attempted to work with three.js I found it very difficult to replicate that flow that I had enjoyed so much. I found that I was back to wrangling cats, that the top of my DOM was littered with script tags, and it made me ill. This boiler plate, along with my component libraries is my attempt to harness the power of Three, while still working in a modern way.
####My Bowerable Components
####App Structure
- Backbone for some app structure
- Browserify for nice modules.
- Gulp for fast builds
- Coffee for clean code
- Debowerify Ease integration of bower components
- Add Testing
- Add pathing aliasing.
- figure out debowerify a bit better and config pathing.